
They're very similar in terms of hardware, but that doesn't mean they're identical to program for. They may well have different APIs, different OS overhead, etc. Launch titles, as a rule, tend to be pretty poorly optimized.

I'm not seeing how that's especially relevant to the actual discussion going on, but sure, whatever.

Eh, it launches tonight at midnight. People are already in line. I think that counts.

I tend to try to avoid the term "realistic" because it's kind of imprecise. I mean, "realism" in relation to art has a pretty specific meaning. I had a professor who used to harp on people using "realistic" when talking about, like...dragons and spaceships and whatnot.

If it hadn't been for Microsoft's congratulations to Sony last week, it wouldn't be a thing. But like Jason pointed out, Microsoft was very gracious last week. It just would've been kind of nice to see Sony do the same instead of, well, this.

(On top of which, their claims are kind of disingenuous. They're technically

I think judging any console's capabilities by a handful of multiplatform launch titles is...premature.

I mean, maybe the XBox One WILL end up being stuck with lower resolution. If we're having this conversation a year from now, then it'll be a thing. Right now, it's all just...hand-waving and console-warring.

Eh, I think saying 4K is "right around the corner" is optimistic. 4K TVs exist, sure, but I don't expect to see widespread adoption of them for some time (namely, when the price comes down substantially).

Yes, but we all know that's not what they meant, particularly today.

Well, if it's something that doesn't actually exist in real life, I probably wouldn't use the word "realistic" (which gets mis-used a lot). Like...an animation of an orc isn't "realistic" no matter how good it looks, because an orc is not a real thing.

(And for what it's worth, I'm not knocking performance capture;

I will now recommend this comment between 3 and 17 times.

Wow, uh...a quad post. Impressive.

I'm an animator by profession and that's not...quite right.

I mean, yes, secondary motion is vital to making a scene feel more alive...but it can ALSO be distracting. It all depends on context. The trick is getting the audience to focus on what you want them to without bombarding them with a bunch of unnecessary,

I'm an animator by profession and that's not...quite right.

I mean, yes, secondary motion is vital to making a scene feel more alive...but it can ALSO be distracting. It all depends on context. The trick is getting the audience to focus on what you want them to without bombarding them with a bunch of unnecessary,

I'm an animator by profession and that's not...quite right.

I mean, yes, secondary motion is vital to making a scene feel more alive...but it can ALSO be distracting. It all depends on context. The trick is getting the audience to focus on what you want them to without bombarding them with a bunch of unnecessary,

I'm an animator by profession and that's not...quite right.

I mean, yes, secondary motion is vital to making a scene feel more alive...but it can ALSO be distracting. It all depends on context. The trick is getting the audience to focus on what you want them to without bombarding them with a bunch of unnecessary,

And on the subject of "not conversing with someone that knows anything of business practices", you've clearly never worked in any sort of customer service position ever.

You know, your post was entirely reasonable until we got to:

"Talking to a stubborn person that has a set incorrect view that they say is opinion but displays no valuable or credible facts is ridiculous. I have given credible facts of similar situations and I can see I am not conversing with someone that knows anything

"I never asked for a line-by-line response, I asked you to put some effort into your work instead of deflecting when you can't come up with a pithy reply."

I'm not "deflecting". I'm just not answering in a way you agree with.

"Okay, I see where this is going. You want me to go through each of her videos and find

"I never asked for a line-by-line response, I asked you to put some effort into your work instead of deflecting when you can't come up with a pithy reply."

I'm not "deflecting". I'm just not answering in a way you agree with.

"Okay, I see where this is going. You want me to go through each of her videos and find

"I never asked for a line-by-line response, I asked you to put some effort into your work instead of deflecting when you can't come up with a pithy reply."

I'm not "deflecting". I'm just not answering in a way you agree with.

"Okay, I see where this is going. You want me to go through each of her videos and find