the guy who made this is an artist.
he also made this gem.
the guy who made this is an artist.
he also made this gem.
Mandatory Nintendo World Cup appreciation comment
Here are a few things, other folks can add more.
What are you going to believe, this fancy new technology or your lyin' eyes?
I would be very willing to pay DLC prices for a Mario 3 and Mario World toolkit later on down the road.
My thoughts exactly.
Yes they are and there is nothing wrong with that. There is a lot right with that, in fact.
Not Luigi, but someone posted this on TAY the other day.
Not mine. Just pure greatness.
the call was correct
I'm getting Spore flashbacks.
You grew up in parts unknown? That's awesome.
You're from Parts Unknown? What's it like there?
So this is what happens to people who kick out of Triple H's "pedigree" at Wrestlemania. If I was Daniel Bryan, I'd be careful.
Isn't "gooks" a slur against Vietnamese people, anyway?