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I think you’re thinking of Jesus to a Child. Great song.

Keep up the good work everyone. We can’t back down for one second.

Wow that’s quite the rant. Enjoy your holidays and dream world that the rust belt/swing states would have elected a socialist, a world where the third parties actually have competent leadership. Also, do you think the Republicans shift started with the Southern Strategy? Wrong, the Republicans shifted when Lyndon

You are all over the place. First you say you should have voted third party. Now you are ranting about how Bernie should have won, Hillary’s Wall Street connections (which lol because of all the Wall Streeters Trump has put in his cabinet), and Democrats were just too mean with their identity politics (which used to

Yeah, you sure showed Trump and the numerous billionaires he’s appointing to his cabinet a thing or two with your third party vote!

And I’ve been reading Team of Rivals about Abraham Lincoln. They used to have substantial debates for hours and then publish and distribute the speeches for the public. Its amazing how we’ve come from that to “no puppet, you’re the puppet.” The dumbing down of America.

Why does it matter that he lost? They just stripped the incoming gov all his powers and they have all the districts gerrymandered so the far right legislatures with their supermajority will be just fine.

Well time will tell, but I don’t think it’s going anywhere (because you may think she’s a lying liar who lies, there really is nothing there). And you are in major denial if you don’t think Chaffetz and Comey’s comments were timed to inflict maximum damage on the Clinton campaign.

Disagree, the intended damage is done so this will go away. The Republicans have total control and everything they want, so they might use the threat of an continuing investigation to keep the Clintons in check. Otherwise it’s on to bigger and better things like lifting those Russian sanctions so everyone can get

Nope, not sexism but rather they just don’t know how to appeal or reached out enough to the lower to middle class white Americans, and do we know if they used private e-mail servers? s/ (obviously)

You and I have a very different idea of consent. Just because Trump feels they let him do it does not mean the women wanted to be gabbed or have him force himself on them.

The outrage is not that he said the word “pussy” it’s that he said he grabs women by the pussy without their consent and they let him do it because he’s famous.

But is he a billionaire though? Seems like a requirement to be in the cabinet.

Didn’t use the office for profit? He at the very least let his buddy Cheney do just that. Please let’s not revise history just because we have another disastrous President coming.

Congratulations, this has to be the stupidest comment I’ve read all day.

And voted again and again and again to repeal the Affordable Care Act and refused to even have a single hearing about President Obama’s Supreme Court nomination. The level of obstruction is outrageous.

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Reminds me of this “I’ve been on food stamps and welfare, did anyone help me out? No.” If someone else gets it it’s a handout, if they are the recipient it’s a whole other story.

And what about Russia being very involved in what is going on in Apeppo? Spare me that this is as simple as a snarky comment about a religion.

But that is what they did here. Our soon to be VP worked to try to pass very restrictive abortion laws and had this gem on his campaign website when running for Congress in 2000: “Congress should support the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only after completion of an audit to ensure that federal dollars

Don’t be too sure about that.