But here is my question about Pence. He ran with Trump and is in charge of the transition team. How are we to believe that he did not have knowledge of this as well?
Lol so much for being the “Maverick.” It is so shameful how they have completely put party before country and fallen in line with this insanity. I mean Trump is trying to pick a fight with China via Twitter and they still think he’s going to become Presidential once he’s in office. This is terrifying on so many levels.
lol Pretty good, but you missed calling her part of the “lamestream liburl media.”
My only hope is the Lindsay Graham and John McCain, both being so outspoken about having an investigation, know something is rotten. I can’t believe I just typed that, but it really is going to take Republicans to stand against this since anything the Democrats is just a “conspiracy theory advanced by the liberal…
Rachel Maddow has been doing some good reporting about Tillerson’s close ties to Russia.
Well that escalated quickly..
It’s pretty humiliating. But remember, Donald Trump is going to be sworn in as POTUS in a few weeks.
Actually Hillary did speak about the voting rights act and has a long history of advocacy. However, the press was more interested in email servers to cover it.
Considering Trump was reading Russian propaganda on the campaign trail, I would have to say some of it was and the information not incorrect necessarily was skewed to fit an agenda.
First, most intelligence agencies are on the same page that Russia is responsible. Second, are you honestly comparing countries donating to the Clinton Foundation, which does great work BTW, the same as hacking and releasing information to throw an election?
And the casual way you Republicans are more than ok with a foreign government interfering in our election because your guy won is more than alarming. If it was Clinton Russia was helping you and your Republican friends would be reacting just a little differently.
So he could spend more time on Twitter?
Lol They are both opinion pieces by two different authors. Also, Obama is speaking about the hacks deliberately attacking the DNC and using that to influence the election, not the votes.
Speaking of holding press conferences, didn’t Trump promise to hold one today to discuss how he would separate himself from his business? Amazing how he wasn’t able to do that, but did find the time to go on a Twitter tirade about a restaurant review and the amazingly stupid Tweet above.
Oh how I hope karma is real. Honestly though I do feel I little guilty that I hope the Republicans make good on their promise to take away their health care and Social Security and reap what they sow when their safety nets, which they thought were just for those “lazy people,” are ripped from them.
Nope, she did it to keep the Green Party in the news. She said Clinton was worse than Trump so I don’t believe she feels the need to atone for anything.
But people sure cared about E-mail servers!!!!