
So how soon until they say that Trump/Pence were in on it? I can’t get too optimistic but he’s really pissed off the intelligence community and I feel that is where this is headed with this stuff slowing coming out.

As much as I wish the electoral college would save the day I don’t see how they can. It goes to the House and they vote in Trump and I just can’t agree with voting in someone who was not even on the ballot. The only solution I can see is to keep encouraging/pressuring Lindsay Graham and John McCain to have

Not even the FLOTUS gets an exception. Hillary Clinton got so much shit for working on healthcare reform that even the advisors in the White House told her to back off...and she did. Damn it, I am still so pissed that after all the trailblazing she did and all the sexism she put up with she won’t be our first female

Thanks for sharing. This is so right on, “The responsibility to forge unity belongs not to the denigrated but to the denigrators. The premise for empathy has to be equal humanity; it is an injustice to demand that the maligned identify with those who question their humanity.”

Fiancé is male and fiancée is female.

His administration appointments gives me nightmares. It’s been fun but I’m off to Mars. I might check back in four years.

But hey, at least the lady with the shady Foundation didn’t get elected. Look at that raiting...

Well at least they weren’t vocal about wanting to shut down the very department they are heading so that’s something.

With China’s response and how Trump reacts it may be before he even gets into office. I wonder what the Electors think of all this.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but our reproductive rights won’t matter much if our President decides to provoke a nuclear war.

Ok so are you prepared to enlist and stand a post in Taiwan to keep China from invading?

I’m not saying Trump, that ship has sailed. I was talking about his appointments who need confirmation.

I was discussing (in a nice way) with a FB friend who was gleeful that MI was passing voter ID laws. I pointed out (again nicely) the hypocrisy of the recount being called off due to Trump making the argument there was no voter fraud, but apparently we need voter ID to prevent this nonexistent fraud. She basically

He hasn’t won anything yet. Lindsay Graham and John McCain have spoken against his nomination. Keep after your Congresspeople to fight his appointment.

And who is soon going to have control of the Supreme Court?

It’s maddening

I worry about how much the Republicans have been able to disenfranchise voters since they have control over Congress in ways the Tea Party never was. The Voting Rights Act has been gutted and they have been able to gerrymander so many districts. How can Democrats combat that with Republicans controlling everything

So how are the Republicans going to continue to blame Democrats for everything wrong in this country when they repeal Social Security, Medicare and the Affordable Care Act? When their tax cuts drive us into a Recession (or Depression)? Terrifyingly they have the keys to the Federal government and the inevitable crash

Holy crap, I hadn’t heard about the Constitutional Convention. They really want to bypass the Supreme Court (and essentially the Federal gov’t), who overturns their Abortion restriction laws, makes gay marriage legal, etc, etc. This is truly terrifying times. They really want to take us back to Jim Crow, pre-Roe v.

If we can elect an orange cheeto as POTUS I think we could elect a Brit as well. :p