Has there really? Hahahhahahahhahahhahahaah that makes me so happy if true.
Has there really? Hahahhahahahhahahhahahaah that makes me so happy if true.
Yeah, and President Obama has been OUR President for the past eight years and how was he treated by the opposition during that time?
The sea was angry that day my friends.
That’s Republicanism 101. Put people in power who don’t want government to work so they can complain constantly about said government not working.
*sigh* Just add him to the basket.
Not a puppet..not a puppet. You’re the puppet! (I still can’t believe we elected this idiot for President)
Why is that good enough? What purpose does the death penalty serve except to make people “gone”?
It’s not being a pussy to realize that the death penalty has been proven again and again not to be a deterrent. Do you think he gave a crap about being executed? And guess what, it would cost more to execute him than let him rot in jail.
The answer is never. Since the 90s the Right have accused the Clintons of everything from murdering Van Jones, child prostitution rings, Whitewater, rape, faulty e-mail servers, being personally responsible for the deaths in Benghazi, and the list goes on and on and on. I still find the hypocrisy of multiple affair…
Really? Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” We deserve everything coming our way.
But our economy can not sustain that kind of income inequality. I just commented to someone else that the US hasn’t seen this kind of wealth gap since the 1920s which led into the Great Depression. Any idea what the tax rates were during our recovery from the depression?
The last time income inequality was this high was in the 1920s. Any idea what happened after that?
I’m sorry but it has to be redistribution through increased taxation. There is only so much wealth to go around and currently it’s primarily held by the top percent. It’s not “trickling down” hence the ever-growing divide. There is no other way.
First, it is the House that would have the vote
The gall of that man to brag about his grandfather coming here illegally and then telling her to leave the US (which has been her home since age 7) and come back “the right way.” What a horrible POS.
I strongly disagree. I don’t think by having the House vote for the President would cause a conversation about where we really want our country to go. They will just vote in Trump. It is ridiculous to think they will vote in someone who wasn’t even on the ballot in the general election (ie: Sanders or Kasich). I…
Give it to Bernie!? How about give it to the well qualified woman who won the popular vote by 2.6 million votes and counting. Remember her?
What year did you graduate? Did you leave school with the crippling debt students today are? Also, the cost of living has far surpassed the minimum wage so people are working 2-3 jobs just to survive let alone have time or money to afford education to “better themselves.”
Who cares if Trump could be antagonizing China towards war, BENGHAZI!!! Email servers!!! She’s a war hawk!!!
Maybe all those having buyers remorse should have thought BEFORE voting why he never released his tax returns but “crooked Hillary” did. Or never realized that hey maybe it’s not Presidential behavior to say women will just let you grab them by the pussy because you’re famous. Or his 3am Twitter rants, etc etc. Sorry…