
"I said we want to make a great game, and I still stand by that."

Most of the gaming I do anymore is DotA 2. I play another game here or there, like DA:I, but 'game time' is basically 'Dota time.'

You get just about the same effect in Photoshop by upping the contrast by 30, shifting the hue by -5, and desaturating by 30. If you want the game to look like this, you can probably achieve it just by adjusting your TV settings.

Saw this earlier. Cannot be less excited if I tried.

Who buys an iphone for gaming?

Our Planet*

I don't even...how is that possible?

i still dont know what bitcoin can get you... Realmoney >bitcoin to me~ then again i dont even know what bitcoin really is .__.

this is funnier.

But Lorde? Having messed around with a demo that gave her "the sensation of being in a room watching a musician sitting in a studio", she said "It's like being in someone's filth, but on a pure level it's nice. Kind of like communism."

I'm "tired of it" because people have no business telling someone how to create their story. If you want more of a certain type of person, write your own story.