
one final desperate attempt of a mysteriously failed game. it seemed to have everything going for it ... yet somehow ... it failed. remember it was free to try on origin a while ago and figured i'd give it a shot ... it was a dead zone. it actually depressed me. seriously ... what the hell happened to this game ?

i don't know ... maybe it's cause i'm not from america and i'm not really in touch with all this racism stuff ... but i honestly don't see what the big deal is. at best worth a minor penalty or whatever but not losing his job over crap like this.

in the first game ... definitely. but by the end of his story he had grown into a proper man. that's one the of the things i most loved about his games - that they actually took care of this natural progression that happens in real life as well, as someone grows from being a boy/young adult into a man. and it felt

yeah ... well ... to be fair ... they kept them in business for 5-10-15-20 years after they purchased them. not all of them but a lot of them have survived a long time after ea got their hands on them so it's not like they've actually run them into the ground.

surviving for 5-10-15 years in this industry is a pretty

as long as you're looking at a screen it's never gonna be there. take the greatest, best rendered movie out there and it still doesn't look truly real. take the best special effects out there and if you pause them and look closely it's still not real.

but that's a whole different debate ... one, which no offense

you're not silly. just pretentious.

well ofc ... it looks like some 90's videogame ... so shitty.

dude ... my point is not that it looks real. my point is that it looks amazing considering what it's from. if this was a cg render sure ... but it's not. the whole point of these, and why you're supposed to shit your pants when you see them is cause they're real time. which is pretty freaking amazing. not from an

there's always one ... :))

actually you kinda can. all you need is a ranged hero. at least one. you can run a back and forth without actually fighting. just play as bait. sure, it's risky .. but there are ways to keep them interested without actually attacking them.

not to mention that you can at least spread it out ... they died like it was

it's not about looking at the minimap ... it's about keeping track of it. peripheral vision and all that. i am pretty much always aware of the minimap when i play ... i don't actually look at it ... but i always know what's going on. now, why would look at the minimap during the team fight ... plenty of reasons

definitely ... except this guy didn't lack map awareness. if anything ... he was the best in his team. at least in this particular scene. he realized there was no point in fighting the other team in the open and he went ahead and forced a push when the enemy team was busy.

his team ... if they had any brains ...

not even that ... he would have won if he had been a bit more aggressive. that ancient or whatever had one hit left ... he spent too much time walking around ... should have focused more on the building instead of dancing around with that defender.

not sure what heroes were there since i don't play lol ... but this wasn't lack of map awareness. this was one dude realizing that his team kinda sucked and he might as well go on a desperate run to take the ancient. the way his team died in that fight ... not very reassuring. unless he was extremely farmed and owned

not sure what you meant about the pc port. i had absolutely zero issues with it on pc ( maybe it sucked on release, but it felt fantastic when i played it ). definitely agree about the marketing campaign. i had no idea this game even existed and i'm the kind of guy that looks out for this kind of stuff. i stumbled on

where are you buying your computers from dude ? :))) i have never seen anything like that come with a pre-installed windows on a bought pc. and i assume that's not the case on macs either though i have no experience there. apart from the occasional useless antivirus that can easily be removed but that's about it. and

well ... sounds pretty good. but from all this excitement you have to account for the fact that it's a kickstarter, the fact that it's not finished, the fact that most games tend to be about half as exciting as they are marketed before release ...

so ... all that considered ... you are left with an announcement for a

this is what happens when people have it too good. they get bored.

the problem is the game will be released with bugs either way. mark my words. this has nothing to do with bug fixing .. this has to do with lack of regard for the pc port. because they don't give a shit about it. now ... i have nothing against them for that. but either commit to it, or don't release it at all.

well ... a big F you rocktar ... and your piece of shit heists and your f***ing in-game useless currency and ... that's about it. oh, and f**k you once more for the OBLIGATORY day one massive patch that will have to fix all the BUGS that will come with gta v for pc, despite your bullshit about delaying to polish the