
Wonderful news for her, terrible news for us. I miss you already, Diane Rehm.

Now playing

I think this is the performance mentioned in the beginning. The one she flubbed. I don't really have anything to add.

The last major airline accident I could find in the US was in 2001. No, not 9/11. Couple of months after, November 12, American Airlines Flight 587. The NTSB eventually ruled it human error. The only statement I could find from AA at the time was that they didn't suspect terrorism and if you lost someone, call this

Shoot first, think later.

Zen. My favorite people are those who keep their cool under pressure. Any number of people would have lost their shit back at this raging retard. This guy, however, kept it together. (I mean, I think. I don't have sound on my computer). Much respect, affirmativeuncertain.

Hats, suits, uniforms. Even the scamps look dapper. When did we become so schlumpy.

Bingo, precisely and exactly, this.

Man, messed up. I hate air show crashes. I'm sorry the pilot died, of course, and the emt's being injured as well. But it is sad to think his dad was there and basically freaking out. Don't like that at all.