
"I think her parents really made a mistake," mused the sociopathic monster whose bizarre childhood experiences spearheaded by a dominant megalomaniac of a father have mutated her into a test case for the negative influence of overcompetitive youth athletics.

Due to the setting of my monitor, a line break occurred at the word "Colin" and my brain went to Mr. Collins and I went to a dark place.

I am not. Not because he doesn't deserve it, but because we lose bits and pieces of our humanity when we allow it.

But if tiny models aren't there to make sure that we never look as good in the clothes as they do, how will women learn to hate themselves??

A sub-set of this: the one-uppers. People who are so obsessed with always having a better story than you, or a better experience than you that they are constantly just waiting to say something better, or be combative, or challenge you on your points. I cannot STAND people who can't just go with the flow of