
People, especially in advanced wealthy countries, like to disconnect their lives from the realities of the awful things that happen to others, and will often times get very angry if you bring up these things on any regular basis. I like this concept because it helps break down the bubbles people like to put themselves

And of course nobody every bothered to inform him that a girl can be *GASP* "big" AND "hot.

Saying that everyone around you constantly censor their speech indefinitely because you can't enjoy something without shocking twists and jump scares is a pretty pompous and entitled position itself. Did you know that in Saving Private Ryan, the Germans lose? Uh-ohh.

Dog bless you. I think I'm ready to go outside now, fully prepared to deal with whatever aspect of the natural world tries to murder me

Fair point. Personally I still hold that backstory is backstory for a reason. The hero turning villain is a perfectly fine premise for a film, book or series, but the premise of Star Wars was just fine on its own merits without mixing that in.

How did Anakin Skywalker fall to the dark side and become Darth Vader?

Oh would that this were comprehensive. What about Crocodiles, Alligators, Rattlesnakes, Rhino, Elephants, Golden Eagles, Hornets, Gorillas and of course, BADGERS??? If I die at the hands, claws, fangs, hooves or horns of any of these, know that my blood is on your hands sir.

Maybe posting something along the lines of I have a dream... For Nintendo on MLK, Jr. Day might not be in the best taste?

I didn't know shallow, vapid twats read Jezebel. Interesting.