Ellen Catalina

Nah dog, *you* are the problem — pretending patently sexist and racist nonsense like the above deserves to be legitimized with serious debate. We mock people like this because that is how norms get constructed and enforced, and treating them seriously is how they get undermined and degraded. “Sexism and racism are

He’s not trying to “express a dissenting opinion,” he’s arguing for the mass exclusion and alienation of women and people of color from his workplace based off a pile of cherry-picked, pseudo-scientific bullshit. The fact that he finds his it hard to express his extremely bigoted opinions is good.

  • “Once we acknowledge that not all differences are socially constructed or due to discrimination, we open our eyes to a more accurate view of the human condition which is necessary if we actually want to solve problems.”

This is pure techbro. White dudes who think they got there on merit alone (lawl) and are trying to post-justify it, like they post-justify women and minorities being less competent. Bringing up IQ pretty much seals it.

Now you’re just being biologically neurotic, which is not your fault, but I’m going to have to give you a 20% pay cut, because it makes sense to.

I believe he’s frustrated that not all people are men who look like him. The struggle is real.

Hey now, he just wants more ideological diversity. So Google should hire more conservatives!

Riiiight. That’s what’s wrong today: too much empathy. I empathize with his frustration over... wait. Wut?

because conservatives tend to be higher in conscientiousness

“Openness directed towards feelings and aesthetics rather than ideas. Women generally also have a stronger interest in people rather than things, relative to men (also interpreted as empathizing vs. systemizing).”

This shit is old. It’s just the latest iteration of the stew of white-dude libertarianism, half-baked evo-psych and quarter-baked genetic determinism that was spouted on HN five years ago, Slashdot 15 years ago and Usenet boards 25 years ago. It was embarrassing when it showed up in Eric Raymond’s “Sex Tips For Geeks”

The entire thing was printed in its entirety. What else do you want? How the hell is that NOT listening We’ve literally heard everything he said. and we’re engaging with it. WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT?

Yes, but when you automatically state that half the population is just more neurotic than the other half, it’s hard to take anything else said seriously. Talk about biases.

Wow, he’s wrong on a lot of things.

Oh, there it is. Poor thing. Life is so hard. “Guys, why can’t I be an asshole at work?”

  • I’ve heard several calls for increased empathy on diversity issues. While I strongly support trying to understand how and why people think the way they do, relying on affective empathy—feeling another’s pain‚causes us to focus on anecdotes, favor individuals similar to us, and harbor other irrational and dangerous
  • This person just hits all the Conservative checkpoints.

I would generally say that any person who brings up IQ “differences between people” is trying to justify their racism with a misunderstanding of social science.

Thus answering the question I didn’t realized I had, “if you put a sociopathic technocrat in a a room with nothing but a word processor and the sound of his own voice, what would he write?”

TL;DR: Cocaine may induce manic episodes (including rambling manifestos) with delusions of grandeur.