My youngest niece and I could not be more different. For one, I am 42 and Arianna is 17. But we have a few things…
My youngest niece and I could not be more different. For one, I am 42 and Arianna is 17. But we have a few things…
omg im so embarrassed
Everything you just watched in this video is NOT OK. How's that for a start?
Anita has been accused of faking these threats and not actually making police reports before. The actual people who accused her of it found out themselves that not only was she telling the truth, she was also dealing with the FBI.
Dude, it doesn't matter who she points the blame at. Shit like this is a reflection of us all.
By you essentially calling her a raging man-hating feminist you are perpetuating the very reason she is speaking out. You are the problem here.
There was a great Women of Marvel Comics panel on Sunday. Unfortunately they had greatly underestimated the interest in the panel. The line to get in to the panel was huge and they couldn't fit most people in. But it was amazing and encouraging to see so many people excited to go to a panel about women working in…
SPOILERS FROM HERE ON OUT: I think that's the only thing that the movie didn't hit completely on the head. She's a sociopath. She puts on a great imitation of the Perfect Girl but loses respect for anyone who falls for her act while at the same time intensely hating anyone who doesn't buy it. I felt like that came…
dang so sorry it hurts
You'd think any school that forces its gay students to stay in the closet would be all about beards.
Good thing no one asked you.
I don't think so at all. The physical burden of the mattress is strenuous, sure. But think of how walking in with a mattress will disrupt every class she goes to. How much room it takes up in an elevator. How it will slow/block traffic on a stairwell. Hell, how many people will be made uncomfortable by asking…
More change-your-life-because-of-other-people's-bullshit. Fantastic.
Working at Gawker Media is a dream job for many of the women on staff here at Jezebel. This is a place that takes…
Right. Because when I say I want to see a female-led superhero movie, I totally mean that playing a crappy sequel to a pretty good high fantasy RPG is an adequate substitute. While I'm at it, I might as well reread Little Women. After all, the characters are mostly women.
Figure this will be needed:
This piece really affected me. In fact, I might have to go to a meeting today because of this one!
My plunge into sex addiction started with online boyfriends and sending photos of myself to men I met in chat rooms when I was 14/15 (in the time before To Catch a Predator), so I can relate to a lot of this... and it…
This is so helpful to those poor, miserable women in porn. They must really feel empowered when people say they must have been abused as children in order to have wound up doing porn.
I love when people tell me how traumatized I must be, and that's probably why I do porn. Also, I love it when people tell me I don't have any agency, because if I did obviously I wouldn't be in porn, right? SIGH
I mean why listen to the porn stars themselves? They might be women, but they're probably silly women whose…
Dear Olds
"We got handed trophies for doing anything"
Really? You of all people think you get to complain about that? Who do you think was handing out all those trophies to us when we were kids? Which generation you think that was? That's right: YOURS. our teachers, our parents, our coaches...all of them belonged…