
Wow, just.. fucking.. wow.

Pretty sure when you're a high school student who is worried about "nerd discrimination" you're probably an ACTUAL nerd getting discriminated against...or watching actual high school nerds being bullied.

But if Lindy isn't in the Bahamas right now, can we please crowd fund that shit? I'd much rather a vacay for Lindy than a video of Rob Ford smoking crack.

We're not asking the important questions, you guys:

Sorry, but you ain't no slut with your wee single digit number, says me, the slut police. Gotta break 10 to be even considered jr. rodeo, sorry, keep trying.

Do NOT lump Belle in with the rest of those bimbos just because Disney has. Belle liked to READ, was NOT going to be content to settle down with some handsome douche, she was not just some dumb princess like Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty. She did things her own fucking way, and that's RAD. She was one of my movie