Elle W

I liked it better when it was called ‘Spring Breakers’.

Yes, there is. A very big difference.

I don’t think it’s exactly controversial to say “by all means bring your food, music, language, literature, holidays but leave this ‘rape a smiling lady’ shit at home”

But isn’t there a difference between countries where marital rape is legal, or where gang-rape convicts are released from prison? We have a plethora of violence against women problems here in the U.S., but at least there is *some* form of due process for rape victims.

I’m an immigrant and I totally think the value system of the adoptive country should be privileged over the value system of the home country. That’s why I left. Because the value system of the home country sucked ass.

There are several writers who contribute to Jezebel and they actually probably all have their own opinions.

I’m in a relationship, but this is the reason I never tried online dating.

It's a tale as old as time: women always think they look worse than they do, and men always think they look better than they do.

And he calls himself

Let’s take a moment to look at the stunning beauty that is Jeffrey Wells...

Seeing people who have callously committed horrific acts on other people start to cry when forced to take (some) responsibility for their conduct always makes me hate them even more.

literally no one is blaming Lena Dunham, dude

So we’re all suffering a witch to live?


Aw, shit, that other Lena Dunham even wore the same outfit.

ok but like what about this velvet swashbuckler

I’m just going to say what we’re all thinking. JIA IS FUCKING INSANE!! There’s no way this guy, even with the beard and Santa getup, is worse than Ted Cruz. For fucks sake, REALLY?

Kristen Wiig is funny but she doesn’t get enough credit for her dramatic range.

All white babies look like Michael Chiklis from “The Shield”.