then I guess 90% of the adults in porn look like children. That would have disturbing ramifications for the 97% of men who watch porn frequently....
then I guess 90% of the adults in porn look like children. That would have disturbing ramifications for the 97% of men who watch porn frequently....
Plus, it totally disregards the fact that, ya know, a woman's sex organs also change and develop through puberty. Even without hair, my vulva looks nothing like it did when I was fucking eight years old.
Huh? You're free to like or dislike pubic hair, but I've never understood the "it looks like a child" argument. An adult who shaves their pubes looks adult who shaves their pubes. Or do you actually know little kids with bodies like Kim Kardashian?
Right? If you truly think the only thing stopping you from fucking kids is grass on the field, you've got way worse problems to work through than me and my laser tech, tbh.
I've been a lurking lurker who knows you're a regular commenter, & I'm curious to know if the majority of Jezebel commenters are from the NYC area. I ask because there are always tons of remarks of disbelief regarding the possibility of the existence of the Kim K. body type in nature (I've also seen the same…
I feel similarly about my stick straight pubes. They poke me SO HARD when they are long. I keep them trimmed/shaved since that works for me but having a bush is awful. It's embarrassing because my pubes literally just poke through clothing.
The oil is NATURAL, dudes! Speaking from my own experience as an Italian-American woman, I want you to know that's just how we look naked: oily, sleek, and shiny! Maybe Kim is just LIKE THAT! STOP OIL SHAMING KIM!
And a dong.
I haven't had a wax in ages (due to laziness) so I've got quite the epic bush happening down there. Every time I take a step it's like STABBY STABBY PINCH YANK STUCK IN UNDERPANTS.
'Mexican Pizza' was the unofficial denomination in elementary school for the burnt, plasticine and nearly inedible pizza served for lunch that were reheated holdovers from the previous day. When fresh it was already distilled into fractions of unleavened cardboard, sauce, low-fat cheese and grease. I shudder just to…
I think pubes are making a comeback in porn.
Mine is more itchy with hair there :/ Damn wiry curlies. Growing-in itchiness is nowhere near as bad as pubes curling back and poking my mons.
I am ambivalent about plastic surgery at this point, but I geniunely wonder what happens psychologically when you wake up with a different face.
are you fucking kidding me?
actually if you bring ME somewhere and give me a coloring book i will also be quiet and well-behaved.
Totally. This very much depends on the kid. We had a 5 year old with us on my husband's last work retreat (not ours because I actually like to retreat) and we went to a different upscale restaurant every night and she was not a problem. I'm sure most people had no idea. She was eating foie gras and bone marrow. Lol.
When to Take Your Baby to a Bar: Never. Jesus fuck, people, don't have babies if you think you can just carry on your adult life without making any changes or sacrifices.
So let me get this straight: You're upset that your public material got more widely known via sweeping exposure, you're upset that your very public links and websites were linked to, and you're upset that your public statement got quoted...?