Elle W

Lmao human trafficking???

I use two of the sites for sugar dating and a big chunk of people on AM aren’t even married or seeing anyone else. Most of the people on Established Men are single. This will be one of the most anticlimactic leaks of all time.

“Do you have money for _______?” I always answer that when they suggest ‘WE’ buy something. Like funny, I didn’t know you had a job! Of course after ‘we’ buy it, it’s not half mine. No that would be too fair and rational and children are neither.

I had a similar moment, also thanks to Oprah where I watched some special about plastic surgery. Basically they showed the before and after and since the before looked kinda like me and the after looked the way I wanted to look, I decided I wanted exactly that.

I write freelance and no one has ever asked to skype or speak with me. I think as long as you’re a contributing writer it’s not a huge deal. Thing is, if you want to get paid, you will eventually have to supply some valid info. But if you’re writing for free and it’s just a content farm, I doubt anyone cares who you

men are trash tho


“a site called stormfront”? Are there people here unfamiliar with stormfront?

I’m crying

I torrent sometimes for higher quality, especially blu-ray uploads. Also because I have fiber optic at home and downloading a new release is ridiculously fast. A friend of mine has introduced me to plex, though, and it’s pretty cool.

oooh and she has a really poor upbringing too, actually.

Yeah those kind of fine motor skills in someone so young is kind of crazy? idgi?

this is a weird joke to make since she didn't accuse white people of not bathing hmm

It's weird that I can't relate at all. No one I know was this kind of fan girl/boy

OAT MILK. I have tried all non-dairy milks and oat milk is closest in flavor, imo. Almond has that chalky aftertaste and is still quite watery.

plz no plz no plz no

A hypocrite is someone who pretends to be one thing but is really another. It has nothing to do with physical appearance?

Is this the same CDC who ran with the "50% of black women have herpes" story?

the entire 'Ulmer scale' is based on how much money a celebrity makes and how successful they are. One doesn't need to be well known to be A-list. Diplo is an A-list producer. And he definitely doesn't only do EDM, he's been around for a long time and people making music all know who he is.

I think he's A-list as far as producers go