Elle W

Because she's juicy. Who ever cares when stick-thin models are nude?


She's 5'1. Mine looks the same. I have noticed some people store fat in that place specifically.

That's a very specific generation, so specific that their preference now seems odd to people younger and older than them

Yeah I think that interpretation says more about your feelings about Kim than the photo

that is amazing, I'm sorry. Cactus-crotch

Really want laser treatment tbh

Agreed, mine is itchy with hair, especially in winter. Would rather groom a bit than sak my hair stylist to deep condition and hot-oil treat my pubes.

Yes.....I read the article. I obviously understand that contributes to it. But I also think a lot are sort of embarrassed to be on a dating site in the first place.

idk ask a white girl? Lulz

When did he turn into such a fucking hipster tho

Do we really care about rape threats on the internet anymore? They're as common as homophobic slurs and typos

This kind of raises the question here of what qualifies as 'you.' I know that alive I have no interest in this so I'm not sure how my lack of heartbeat would suddenly qualify as consent.

No, it actually sounds really horrible

Ebola doesn't survive long outside of the body and by the time people are far along enough to give it to others, they are way too sick for anyone to not know they're sick.

Why the fuck would anyone need a license to entertain?!?

Would have stood and cheered for you during the second story!

Yeah I was really surprised at the number of dirty looks I got when I broke out low cut shirts of crop tops my first summer in Paris.

Lmao. Okay so that's a no? That's what I thought. Christ. Have a nice night x