Elle W

Ebola doesn't survive long outside of the body and by the time people are far along enough to give it to others, they are way too sick for anyone to not know they're sick.

Why the fuck would anyone need a license to entertain?!?

The style of Japanese horror is a bit silly to me so the adaption actually scared me, while the Japanese version had me rolling my eyes. Same with Grudge

Would have stood and cheered for you during the second story!

Yeah I was really surprised at the number of dirty looks I got when I broke out low cut shirts of crop tops my first summer in Paris.

Lmao. Okay so that's a no? That's what I thought. Christ. Have a nice night x

I get that and I'm comfortable that I'm just not compatible with people who feel upset when they can't touch me. I have a somewhat severe case of it in that if someone puts a hand on my arm that I don't want there, for whatever reason, it hurts. It's not harming me, it's just a manifestation of anxiety, but it does

I don't think he considers me an object (which is why we're still together) but I did feel like I was being treated as one if I said I didn't want to have my hand rubbed for fifteen minutes straight and he replied 'but I like touching you.'

No I understand why he does it. The reason you gave doesn't mean he isn't also acting entitled to something he doesn't own. He tells me he cares about me and loves me all the time. I know he does. And it's been tough for him because he really is an affectionate person but he has said that it feels extra rewarding when

Nah I don't have any kids.

Love this. The implications of making kids hug or kiss people they don't want to hadn't crossed my mind until a few years ago when I came across a piece similar to this one. But now I'm so about it, even with the kids I care for (don't have my own yet.) Bodily autonomy should be taught as early as possible. At least

listen I'm sorry you've had people give you shit about not wanting kids and that you apparently travel in the type of socio-economic circles where people are more likely to demand an explanation about you not having/wanting kids but I want to just assure you that on the grand scale, no one gives a fuck that you don't

No I think she's just kind of an asshole

Yeah I know. It also conveys that you're almost as obsessed with not having kids as those obnoxious moms are about having kids.

no they're the ones saying all of the things you have said in your two posts over and over again while specifying that they are 'child free' instead of just saying they don't want kids

People who identify as 'childfree' are the vegans of family choices.

I'm under the assumption that someone who wasn't much into upkeep before would just be a specific type of messy post-kids? I'm sort of a slob. I have a sense of style but it's always very thrown together and messy. If I become a mom I'll probably wear a lot of overalls and tuck colored pencils into my updo only to

I'm under the assumption that someone who wasn't much into upkeep before would just be a specific type of messy post-kids? I'm sort of a slob. I have a sense of style but it's always very thrown together and messy. If I become a mom I'll probably wear a lot of overalls and tuck colored pencils into my updo only to

Feel like this story wants to demonstrate some kind of hypocrisy but I'm sure a lot of companies ban their products while employees are working. Some things are great in general but not conducive to a productive work environment