Elle W

I am sympathetic to Blythe. The people who support her were not involved in an of the incidents, so I'm not concerned with them, no.

Oh come on, are you just being glib? The obvious implication is that Hale's mother is a sexual predator. Are you arguing that she is? If so, you're shitty too. Which I guess we established a while ago.

I said 'everyone involved in both incidents' not 'everyone reading about it on the Internet.'

Are you retarded? It says 'I suspect Lori's accusations may have been well founded'

yeah men have to 'opt-in' which they wouldn't be likely to do unless they think it would reflect well on them.

now there's a truth bomb

Seems like it's slowly moving from an app that serves women to one for men. "Here's a gaggle of bitches to answer your questions."

Let me guess, you've been closely following this 'saga' on twitter and goodreads and it's the most exciting thing to happen to you all week? o_o

Well I guess we'll have to agree to disagree in whether or not the self-deprecation was false.

Hmmmm so are masturbation videos porn? Is watching this bestiality?

animals also don't use toilets and hump people's legs without asking.

lmaooo okay you get moist and blot your vagina in public?!

I think the charges are probably in response to them escalating the event and calling the cops racist

I live in France and people would certainly respond differently to *fucking in an automobile in broad light* than they do to typical metro snogging.

This story always stuck me as bullshit. Even the photo of her crying made me roll my eyes when I first saw it. Her boyfriends melodramatic and goofily worded defense didn't help.

"not to get too armchair psychologist-y, but I'm going to go ahead and diagnose someone with a personality disorder based on two essays and a fictional book."

There are various ways to write about an event that happened in the past. One would be to write with your current authorial voice, usually in past tense, and reflect on the event. Another is to inhabit the voice of yourself at the time (often in present) and present the event as it happened, including your thoughts

I guess you're 'not a reader' as the post I responded to said the accusations of molestation may have been true and implied that Hale's mother molested her as well. That's why I called the poster a piece of shit.

well to be fair, I've looked and apparently pouring water on someone also counts as assault, so I'll admit I was wrong about the use of the term.

Pouring peroxide on someone is hardly assault. It's mean, but it doesn't put them in any danger.