Elle W

lol 'urban.'

I mean, I think it's more that we are not a monolith. I find this shiesty as hell.

immediately thought of this. Glad someone else brought it up


Hmmm, so doubting any story in which a woman claims she is raped perpetuates rape culture? As an overall cynic, I'm not sure I agree.

I am immediately skeptical of the story because he has been in the news lately and specifically for sexual harassment. I'm more inclined to think she hooked up with him without necessarily wanting to, but she agreed because was starstruck and didn't want to disappoint him. She probably better understands what he did

This joke is getting old as hell.

I actually find her a bit uncomfortably thin. As in something I'd accept if it was my natural size, but certainly not something I'd aspire to

I think calling it victim-blaming is a bit knee-jerk. Delving into possible mindsets of violent criminals helps is better understand how to treat or—when necessary—punish them.

I'd argue that having a child when you have neither the money or the time to nurture one is doing a shit job at raising them.

I always assume people with the most violent/patronizing/over-the-top reactions to homosexuals are closet cases. This has found to be the case over and over. It makes for a very unique situation gays are the ones creating the most trouble for gays. Obviously the issue is a society that makes them feel shame for not

Congrats. This is the longest thread I've ever seen (at least on jezebel) about one guy's dick.

I'll try, poopsie butt. (did I do it right)

last question, since I've read plenty of your posts at this point; what is your ideal solution to the problem you've outlined? Or is your mission more about expressing your personal disgust? I'm genuinely curious. I'm also honored to be called stupid by you since you have thrown that insult at literally everyone

sorry, you're right. That was a mistake. x

Woah, was anything about my posting style 'emotional' or do you just imagine all apparently female written posts in shrill, emotionally unstable voices? We're disagreeing here, not having a fight. There is no winning, we're trading ideas on a topic. You don't have to try and invalidate me by throwing out words like

how is that sub-Saharan Africa ceases to exist in these conversations?

hmmm link?

she has actually gotten increasingly angry. Randomly telling male posters that they are a piece of shit for existing. I sometimes forget people can have some socially progressive believes but still be real fucking terrible

The preferred hip-to-waist ratio actually varies around the world, by ethnicity. And humans show a preference for slight asymmetry over perfect symmetry. I'm going to bed so not going to pick this apart now but I'd encourage you to do some *current* reading, specifically some that references studies that consisted of