Elle W

Prostitute requires sex. You can be a sugar baby for sitting and looking cute a few hours a month.

You're the one who brought up banging your parents. Don't go there if you're not prepared to go there.

I would not reply. The only thing better than an equally vindictive attempt to beg back is to give zero reaction. It drives dudes like that nuts. Any reaction you give an be twisted to rationalize their behavior, but a non-reaction, however it's framed, means they're just worthless.

I hear this in a Damien from Mean Girls voice so it sounds extra gay.

This is interesting. I am used to male attention so I am occasionally intrigued when one ignores me or appears to be uninterested in me. So I guess I understand the reasoning, but a flat out insult is just going to make me think he's as attracted to me as everyone else but also a bitter asshole.

I honestly don't like any comments from strangers about how I look. I disregard a compliment as quickly as I disregard negging because I don't care what a total stranger thinks of me, even if it sounds nice.

I love listening to country people talk. I always find the twang so charming.

You can have sex with your parents without emotional damage. You'd first need to void the Westermarck effect by growing up away from them, ie, a long lost mom or dad. Then you'd then both need to be adults to avoid the harmful power balance that you find in sex between children and adults. That would be no more

The reality of being a legal adult is that you have less legal recourse if someone manipulates you into taking a job you don't really want. That isn't an issue unique to sex work. The last sentence of your first graph could easily be about the fashion industry.

Cocaine as a date rape drug? Sprinkled into a drink? Lol what? The quoted portion attempts to make the problem seem so big as to be impossible to tackle. You can't slip half of these things into a drink without it tasting like shit. Do you know how much diphenhydramine you'd need to 'slip' into a drink to

In her case it was. In lots of cases it isn't. Being against an entire industry because there are predatory practices in some sectors of it is just silly. There are people being forced to work in labor industries, under the threats of violence. That doesn't mean all jobs in labor are exploitative.

I can think of a billion other things worse for a child to say than 'fucking hell.' For instance 'when is daddy getting home from jail?' Or 'How long do we have to sleep under this bridge, mommy?'

Doesn't your friend fall into the second category mentioned, then?

I don't think it's as simple as 'dating in exchange for cash.' There are a lot of different type of arrangements but the one thing all SB's offer is time. There are platonic SB-SD arrangements.

Ah the sugar bowl. I have two regular (and various casual) sugar daddies right now and my combined allowance is almost double my actual paycheck. I can't believe I ever went on dates for free.

Guys on dating sites who use smilies get less messages than guys who do.


I was tripping on LSD once and dancing circles around the inside of my wood cabin when I got stung by a wasp. After a sober 30 seconds (ow. What is that? Pain? PAIN.) I kept hearing buzzing and saw wasps *everywhere* even though there was really only one.

Oh good, finally a creepy internet bug I can worry about.

I would maybe read a thought piece on what feels like a UD specific brand of misogyny. I remember reading a pretty long list of these and most involve a man doing something unthinkably disgusting to his female partner. A lot also use terms like 'force' or 'surprise' and it just feels like an extension of the