Elle W

It's actually really frustrating to convey just how shocking these things tend to be. I'm a mouthy, aggressive, type A personality. I don't shy away from conflict ever but both times I was sexually assaulted, I didn't do a thing while it happened.

Have you already packed your son into his spaceship in order for him to travel to the 'hostile anti-male world'?

I think we need to do a bit of differentiating in language between mental illnesses with biological markers and those that are a bit more general in that they are, as the makers of the DSM intended them to be, 'categories of human suffering.' As it stands both 'the worried well' and people with 'real' illnesses are

Maybe it's because I spend most of my time with pre-schoolers but the most disturbing thing about all of this, for me, is that the obsession began so young and she never grew out of it.

If it makes you feel any better, 'ban men' is behind 'white slavery' on the liberal agenda, so you've still got plenty of time to be a total fuck face.

This. This was what I needed today.

I've always felt it's a bit....banal how excited some women get to see their (perceived) flaws in other women. Like 'oh my god, look we have the same patch of cellulite right here!'

Meh, there are tons of better trolls out there. Glenn Beck springs to mind.

Do people *let* their dogs hump their legs? I got mine a teddy bear. Well, I didn't get it for her, it was originally mine but she was more than welcome to keep it after she deflowered it so roughly it lost an arm.

Amazing how many fair-skinned people here don't know that sunblock and sunscreen aren't the same thing. I'm brown and I know this.

This is so true. I take care of kids in Paris and am amazed at how easy it is to keep the kids entertained. Most Parisian kids I work with aren't allowed to watch tv and only occasionally watch movies. The young ones rarely play video games or own a console. They don't even need a playground and will 'play' in a

They're all fake. They're entertainers. She just isn't as savvy. But honestly 'hating' Katy Perry when you've never had a conversation with Katy Perry just makes you sound a little unhinged.

also how we dehumanize celebrities. This is the kind of thing you'd say IRL about a celebrity, anonymous or not, because you'd never, ever expect it to get back to them, let alone that they'd respond. I think that's why it's important to criticize the persona and presentation rather than the person you've never met.

I can't stand J Law but I felt her joke was making light of the fact that women have a 'regular' scream and a 'rape scream.' It's one of those fucked up observations that reflects poorly on the culture that requires it of us and not of the woman who comments on its existence.

Oh god ,if my husband ever asked me to breastfeed him, I'd be horrified.

This story was already covered when the show was filmed. A couple of weeks ago I think?

I actually have a guy friend who said to me, like a year ago 'you know when girls have a space between their legs when they walk? I think that's so hot.'

I'm the second child and named after my mother (first and middle name) *but* I'm also the fourth in line. And if I don't name my daughter after me, I'll be the last. It's not a huge deal, but I am very conscious about of the potentially 'broken line.'

I understand not knowing Future but not knowing Ciara is kind of baffling tbh.

It's likely that the turtle has been laying eggs on that beach since before the bride was even born. In which case the dumb human wrapped in white cloth needs to get off that turtle's lawn/baby beach.