Elle W

Cool. Nice read. I can see why, logically, it's an offensive term and I wouldn't use it but it's always nice to have someone give a semi-ranty break down (if they're inclined, obviously. They shouldn't feel obligated.)

I would take this so much more seriously if the citation wasn't a wiki article clearly being trolled by tumblr-esque social justice assholes. List is a hot mess.

Do people really still care about what she's doing? She isn't very famous where I live, so I have no idea if she's still a 'thing' in the US. Everyone knows who she is, obviously, but does she have any music out right now?

but why? Does it feel weird? Or just indecent? Like being topless? Do you wear them with shorts?

They actually look like boy's underwear/boxer briefs to me

omfg the sassy dog is everything

Mte. It's so spot on.

Yeah, I'd definitely be terrified.

There are actually a lot of studies about homosexuality and having a lot of brothers. I can't remember any of the reasoning given, though. "Fraternal birth order" were the words used.

I don't actually think I'm 'right' or 'wrong' about anything in the thread. All of my objections have been to explain what I meant as opposed to how someone interpreted it (which, to be fair, is sometimes my fault because I forget most people are raging idiots), but I haven't thought of it as a debate. I do think it's

I'm going to ignore most of what you said because it doesn't interest me. But I am sort of interested in what you perceive as a lack of 'self-awareness' on my part. I get that a lot when I write about upsetting topics and I suspect it has something to do with how detached I am in my tone.

Yeah I was thinking that too. I see both the actions of the parents and her actions as potentially being expressions of grief. I don't see how wanting to take it down is any more rational than wanting to keep it up. Seems like both could be in response to feelings caused by the death.

'this place is full of misogyny, so I'm going to use gendered insults too.' All right bro

False? A history would explain why some people would prefer if other people didn't use it. But history shoes that reappropriated words often go on to be used more widely than just the community the word applies to. 'Gay' for example.

'historic' books don't make judgement calls. They give context, but the choice is ultimately up to the individual. I feel like english probably isn't your first language, so I'm not going to nit-pick too much, but I don't exactly know what you're trying to say.

Yeah I mean is there any word in the history of words that has been successfully limited to only a small portion of the people who speak the language?

All I really got from this was that Madonna probably says 'dis nigga' at home and now I'm wondering what it sounds like when she says it.

"She called the Indian guy's response "shitty". I love how egregiously stupid you are. I definitely did not call his response shitty.

...On the real, I'm a sociopath and even I understand why this is a terrible idea and not all that efficient either. If you don't give people closure, they'll delude themselves into thinking something is still there. They'll go crazy asking questions and they'll end up resenting you enough that it could eventually be

The 'multiple systems' on tumblr are so ridiculous, I can't even deal.