Elle W

I get that's the angle the video is taking. I'm disputing the point.

I didn't say anything about 'looking' I said 'leering.' Your browser probably has a dictionary. Right click and look it up, bro.

I feel like you need to check your privilege before you can really understand the ad. This isn't about a western gay male experience. I've been to gay clubs with my friends and men do regularly stare at each other like pieces of meat and no one really seems to have an issue with it. Fine. But this ad addresses a

I kind of wonder how effective this approach is? I always thought leering men were pretty shameless. Maybe I'm crediting them with too much self-awareness? I mean do they really not know they're being gross?

Some people enjoy being repeatedly punched in the ball sack. What's your point?

ohhh you're right, they do segregate rec sports. I hadn't even thought of that.

I didn't know sex-segregated gym glasses were a huge thing? I went to several schools (moved around a lot) and never had one

I'm bombarded with 'average' people all day, every day whenever I leave the house. Putting her on an ad doesn't make her anymore unique or interesting. She's painfully average. I appreciate the unattainable beauty ideal in our media; it's like fine art.

You sound like a dick. Pedicures and manicures aren't pageant girl in training. They're pampering. If she was getting her eyebrows waves or anus bleached, I'd see the issue. But little girls (and boys) like having their nails painted for the same reason they enjoy coloring all over their faces with markers—it's

oooh could also explain the outfit.

Most people where? On the planet? In the US? White lower middle class people?

I love her voice

Wait. denim is made from cotton? I thought it was its own thing...um. Well I learned something today.

wow, the reading comprehension fail is strong in this thread. No one said skinny people can't be beautiful, only that skinny and beautiful aren't interchangeable.

nooooooo, really? ugh

All right, sweetheart. My patience has run out here, so this will be my last reply:

But also, my other response to your op was mostly a joke. Your post was probably the least hate-filled on here. I just wanted to use my gif.

Lol she just dropped an album with no promotion on a friday and it's number one in 100 countries. That's not average by any definition, it's record breaking and groundbreaking. The previous record was 97, but that album was announced waaaaay beforehand.

Lol, yes she can act and sing. Please reread my original post. You can't counter (or even discuss) my points unless you understand them. You're kind of all over the place. Like seriously, tween Miley cyrus was not making political statements or being radical and/or subversive in Hannah Montana. This is all new

I tend to think of child stars as their parents' puppets, so I still think of Miley's career—as an adult pop star—as relatively new.