Elle W

can he slam me on a table. while we're both naked. cause we're about to do the sex. Can he do the sex with me plz

Second the whole 'guys/girls creeping around' deal. If you happen to meet someone at a place where people of all ages hang out and just click, that's cool. If you're a substitute teacher asking high school girls out, or an adult lurking in a teen club, or just, ya know, a predator, it's pretty gross. So I accept that

Wait did you just compare a row of asses to an entire woman? Can you really argue that a single one of them is more attractive than here when you can't even see their faces?

Yeah, I was definitely doing this in like sixth grade. People really do put too much trusts into their machines.

I don't get the whole 'she sounds like a sociopath' argument. Telling lots of lies doesn't mean someone is a sociopath, especially not egregious, easily debunked lies. I guess she could be a stupid sociopath.

We should acknowledge the difference between "bad sex" and "poorly written sex." Not that it can't be both, but a lot of these are written in first person so if the character is sentimental and obnoxious, it wouldn't be poorly written even if it's cringe-worthy. But sucking a nipple through cheese? Yeah, I'm gonna

I'm not sure whether that was meant as an insult, but yes, I am.

Hell fucking yes. I actually laughed that Jezebel is posting about the backlash when it (not necessarily the author) has been stoking the friggin fire for months. Did anyone not see this coming?

I'm wondering if everyone who reads this feels very sad about it? I'm trying to gauge my own (non)-reaction and I think people are more inclined to comment when they're upset than when they aren't. Anyone else totally dead inside or no

this looks dumb as hell tbh

Because it's kinda not healthy to need to be with any one person all the time? It's one thing to enjoy someone's company, but if we can't function as individuals, it's *bad.* I also think this should be discussed in terms of why women often need and crave male attention/validation and why that's damaging.

Doesn't that make him needy?

Nah, a needy person is someone for whom nearly every source of personal validation is external. A needy person is not comfortable being alone.

I can confidently say that 99% of people posting about Paul fucking Walker online will not even remember he died until they run across Fast and Furious on basic cable a few months from now.

My point is that you have no way of knowing who is 'faux-grieving' and who is actually grieving and grief-policing (hey, I have never heard you mention liking Lou Reed, therefore I deem you unfit to be sad!) is just really dickish.

And you think the people of the Internet are truly mourning a grieving an actor whom they have never met and whom has had zero impact on their lives? Really?

here, here

Right? Be sad in the abstract, I get that. I enjoy the hell out of those stupid movies and I feel empathy for his loved ones. But the ability humans have to turn other's true grief into their own is just weird and selfish.

'Tragedy' is entirely subjective, it depends on reactions and consequences of an event, not on the actual event itself. So yeah, actually, we can call it a tragedy anytime someone dies so as long as there are people to really mourn and grieve and suffer that person's loss.

Thread of the year.