Hey, who wants to blow up a building with Trump in it?
Hey, who wants to blow up a building with Trump in it?
You can easily get rid of the chlorophyll and that green color and taste by just putting the butter in boiling hot water, stir for 10 minutes, then let the butter harden and separate in the fridge. You can put it in the freezer for a couple minutes so it gets extra hard for easy removal from the water that now…
Life begins at conception and ends at birth.
It’s over. Shut up and swallow your cyanide, Goebbels.
Make no mistake, Trump changed his mind on the vaccine on the white house because someone else already did it. Someone at CDC said no, and he's acting like he made the decision to save face. Never, ever think he voluntarily does the right thing.
Sorry to be that guy, but it’s flouting, not flaunting. Had Trump actually been one to flaunt the rules, we’d all be in much better shape right now.
Oh Joan, “The Group” and “Carnal Knowledge” still await you. The rest of the cast of both movies is unreal, but Bergen stands out.
And I agree with you. She stole “Let Them All Talk” right out from under two Oscar winners. Her balance of humor and desperation is right on the edge of a razor.
I think she was being honest. There is not a racist bone in her body, there are 206 of them.
The second verse works even better:
it got worse
So Rudy got the Caronevirus?
According to Oprah, Dean runs an asphalt-paving company, which she probably doesn’t watch him do either.
“DEFUND THE POLICE” and then taking the next couple minutes or so to explain what they actually mean, it’s their time. But a lot of people aren’t listening by then.
Kayleigh isn’t McEnany sense.
My female friends hate it when they walk by a construction site and the workers there yell things like, “Hey, did you know that Adams passed the sedition Act of 1798 that prohibited the publication of false, scandalous, and malicious writing about the President and Congress, but deliberately omitted the Vice…
he definitely had the SS taste-test this imaginary food first, which (if real) I’m sure they loved doing.
Oh, I’m getting the tingles at that thought.
It’s his little known, and mostly useless, superpower. All it takes is one look at a guy and he knows.
This has nothing to do with her being crazy. This is 100% that she looked bad on tv. Trump can’t stand his people getting called out on tv, and not fighting. When Tucker said she didn’t call him back and called her a bitch that didn’t show up, her fate was sealed. Guarantee if she got on his show and spouted some even…