Is abortion coverage available to men, too? They are 50% responsible, after all.
Is abortion coverage available to men, too? They are 50% responsible, after all.
I am considering getting massively stoned and then seeing it -- the only possible way to go. But it might be too scary.
Cheese castles are real
A heady mix of speed and sheer panic.
I had the same WTF expression when I saw that, too. Then I looked it up and found that Hanks has been nominated as supporting actor by a couple of other organizations as well:
Of course it’s animated. The closest thing they got to filming with animals in Africa was probably a computer in Anaheim.
So not a single nomination for any of the traditional TV networks. I know it’s been trending that way, but is this the first time they’ve been shut out 100%?
That also requires the police to take these crimes seriously. Not a sure thing if you wore a short skirt, or had a couple of drinks, or voluntarily got into a car with a strange man (which would be every Uber/Lyft ride).
The thing is, there are LOTS of parts written for asshole white men. He’s found a niche. He can make a long career out of playing “uncaring husband,” “indifferent boyfriend,” etc.
How can something that is orange be called a “concealer”? That is not a skin color that exists outside of animated cartoons.
thinking about the next debate: Bloomberg has already qualified,
The problem would be with the Maltese birth certification, unless you’re talking about Malta, Montana.
with the same interests as other unborn children
“satisfied with their current health care.”
Anyone proof...
She was reasonably priced, but not cheap.
Inspired by actual events?
whether the defendant did the thing they are accused of ... you can always just...not convict.
This paper is going to be one of the main attractions of the TRump Presidential Library and All-You Can Eat buffet at the Trump Las Vegas Hotel. (Still no casino; too many dubious mob connections.)
“And now the resident in real-time is attacking you”