
The same argument could be made for console gaming. Of course only PC gamers care about PC gaming. People care about what is relevant to them.

I assume this is a maxed screenshot (as far as I could tell from the article, at least), but it's just not there. The lighting is especially off, and the flora is very simple.

Eh, I'll just pretend I didn't learn that, and it'll all be fine!

Same. Most of my night after eating more than one of their deep pan slices is usually spent in the bathroom.

I was thinking the same thing. As excited as I am for Beyond: Two Souls, I don't think it's really much of a cameo.

Yeah, but "excellent" is certainly not a great way to describe its PC visuals. Pretty good or decent is better.

I've noticed that as well. I used to get deep dish from there before I got sick of the greasefest, but then I realized that their hand tossed is surprisingly not as bad. Still extremely greasy, but not near as much as their other items.

Okay, come on now... excellent visuals? Their engine is noticeably dated.

That's a great way to sum it up. There are so many things the game does right - Haytham's character, the sea battles, the amazing soundtrack - but then there were quite a few points that made me want to stop playing the game. The chase scenes, for one, and the strange ending were both parts of the game that really

So has everybody else born in the past couple of decades. Just using computers does not grant you an understanding of them.

Some of the shots could have been shot hidden between items in a shelf. So many possibilities.

I thought it looked weird at first, but if you think about it, it's pretty much like part of a steering wheel attached to a tablet. I've never really found my steering wheel too uncomfortable.

Hey, other companies that release shoddy ports? This is how it should be done.

One of their designers confirmed it was last night on (I think) Spike's coverage of the event.

I mean, I thought I was the only one that was going to ask that I was the only one, but it would appear that I am not the only one.

Err... yes? If it was a troll attempt, do better. If not, stop asking such ridiculous questions.

They gave us "x86 CPU," "Enhanced PC GPU," 8GB of RAM, and "Massive HDD." Not much to judge by.

Seems like a fair argument.

Where are you getting the fact that the Wii dominated this generation? Sure, it sold like hell early on, but the 360 has dominated (at the very least) the core gaming market.

That is truly genius.