
You know, there is this special place where people like you belong. It is called Away. Go there.

It senses whether or not a prisoner is an egg. No reason to shock an egg.

Whoa there, buddy. Simmer down.

And what a fine afternoon it would be.

I would expect us to at least set foot on Mars in my lifetime - as far as establishing colonies and other equally crazy stuff, I'm not so sure.

Oh yeah, absolutely. Setting foot on another planet would freaking rock.

I'm a pretty big advocate for getting us back into space, but batteries is one area of technology that has been noticeably lagging behind. I'm all for getting new battery tech.

A huge amount of people didn't know who Steve Jobs was until after his death, either. The day of his death, I heard nothing but "seriously, who in the hell is Steve Jobs?" across social media sites and throughout campus.

Ha! Comment of the day.

Does this unit have a soul?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure those people were mentally ill, not drunk.

How? Assassin's Creed II was far superior in every way. Shoddy level design throughout III, an irritatingly dull protagonist, and the feeling of "why am I even bothering" for all of the game's side missions. On top of all of that, it brings Desmond's story to a ridiculously stupid close.

Exactly. A lot of people think that you're mostly looking back and forth across the monitors, but that usually is not the case. In most games they end up being mostly for peripheral vision.

Thank God I am not the only one who realized that. I was beginning to think there was no logical commenters (or editors, for that matter) on Kotaku.

I've got a 6970 2GB. I'll probably wait the 7000's out and pick up an 8970 or whatever the equivalent is next year.

Oh absolutely, I took no offense to it. This article is definitely misleading, as this is not representative of how an iPhone 5 looks with normal usage.


Now while I don't know the salary of bloggers, it does seem that way.

Holy crap, the user of this phone takes absolute shit care of it. I had a caseless iPhone 4 for a year and a half and it looked pristine. The same goes for my iPhone 5.