
Size is not the only thing that matters, composition is key. A massive water based asteroid will do a lot less damage than a small iron based one.

Now playing

I recon this DIY from down under would do a better job and easier to make.

Guess there is one way to give your iPad live wallpapers :)

Its simpler than that, all you need is a USB cable, SDK and the database location of the lock setting. You can still get to the phone using adb and use a SQLite command to just unset the pattern lock. Well that is if debugging was on. if not I am sure OEM's have other ways of getting to it.

Amateurs, here in Africa we do it in style.

Difference in my view is Apple sues to ban/block, Microsoft and Motorola just want to get paid.

Well seeing that people want to fill every gap in evolution to even think that it might be possible they will demand that we not only find the meteor but also calculate the trajectory and follow its path back to the source before they will even consider it to be true.

They also use Microsoft Windows, so doesn't say much about security.

Don't you mean Alang?

Thats exactly what I want, well some features I dont need but yeah.

Its cheaper to just say that on the bottle and fill it at the tap... oh wait most bottle water companies already do that.

The article on Abiogenesis is in that direction... oh wait its not on this page at all.

My thoughts exactly, if you downloaded them you deserve your info stolen...

Google bought Android way before Schmidt was on the Apple board. If that did not ring any bells to the management at Apple maybe they not as clever as people make them out to be?

Seeing that Android is Open Source, all they going to get for that purchase is a Ad company. Android will just change it name and get a new controlling body.

Or free on getjar under the gold section if you cant afford the dollar.

Oh how the world has changed.

And if you add all the other Android OEM's profit seeing that Google is only one part of the whole equation?