
Because erm patents.

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Relevant, when you truly look at how its made then its not really that bad.

When using scientific method religion can not get past the hypothesis stage, let alone become a theory. Oh and scientific theory is not the same as the general use of the word theory.

Agree, and as a end user all I can say to Google is "Shut-up and take my money"

Shhh, did you two not hear that we only talk ill of G+ in public. Just now the kids will think its hip and come mess up the place like they did with other 2.

But there is Android apps that can use Airplay as well so what is the big deal?

Unless you a siamese or a mid size dog.

What I see in my mind when someone mentions Reddit. Then again its probably because I frequent r/atheist and r/aww

2-3 days on the battery depends on use. I think it will last longer as the new toy paze pass. As for disconnects, I did get a couple but that's mostly because of leaving the phone out of reach on a desk instead of my pocket.

Have my Sony SmartWatch + Xperia S now for just over a month and I must admit I am loving the fact that I don't have to take my phone out of my pocket all the time.

Well seeing that most pollutions tend to hang and be heavier than air I hope they also include a system to flush the air in that quarry. Else you wont have to worry about everyone's pee in the pool, more like everyones farting near an open window so to speak.

I don mind the copy so much as removing my hand to get to my cash. I live in a country where they will kill you for a cell phone so the people here will not think twice about cutting off your arm to run to a ATM while its still warm. or worse, hijack your entire body, to keep a pulse.

Only problem is that private will only look after those with money, where the goverment is suppose to look after all.

Metro might look clean, but as a dyslexic I can tell you its the worse UI I ever had to work with. I find the simple lack of visual q's an eye sore and can not stand using the device for longer than I have to.

Well if you want to know beforehand you can always make this NASA risk page your home - [neo.jpl.nasa.gov]

Size is not the only thing that matters, composition is key. A massive water based asteroid will do a lot less damage than a small iron based one.

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I recon this DIY from down under would do a better job and easier to make.

Guess there is one way to give your iPad live wallpapers :)

Its simpler than that, all you need is a USB cable, SDK and the database location of the lock setting. You can still get to the phone using adb and use a SQLite command to just unset the pattern lock. Well that is if debugging was on. if not I am sure OEM's have other ways of getting to it.