
Nopeeeeeee you're not getting married anymore run awayyyyy

Cool story

An entire article romanticizing the incredibly obvious take that classic wow was good because none of us knew what the fuck we were doing

I played this game when I was younger and had just discovered emulation and thought it was a Zelda clone with the occasional penguin

I mean it’s just my favorite game and it’s extremely well supported by a passionate dude. I’m glad he got rich

Coming up on four years since release. I called it GotY 2016, and it continues to be one of the very best and most well supported games I’ve played since. Very little comes close.

Its starts slow but with the absolute fucking *banger* that is the spring soundtrack you won't even notice

Probably gonna snag Harvest Moon for the switch and hope that Shadowlands carries my winter a bit. Not hopeful.

Little sad that you blew real human money on something you seem to know you weren't going to enjoy, but to each their own

Grocery store has 33c/lb turkeys if you spend $20 on the rest of your cart and I've been back three times. If you thaw them and break them down it doesn't take up any more room in the fridge than chicken

Does "remaster" also mean "remove the asinine amount of time you spend not being Spiderman in the Spiderman game?"

As a guy who only got into football because of his town getting a USL team that then hopped to MLS: can I play as FC Cincinnati in either of these games in some kind of franchise mode because that’s all I care about and will drive my decision to purchase my first football game ever

Wait TMNT is in Injustice 2 fucking WHAT

Between multiple playthroughs and also multiplayer I have put probably 200 hours into Stardew Valley. I also obsessively played Harvest Moon as a child, on both N64 and GBA.

I held my nose and voted for Hillary, but imagine still pushing this bogeyman four years later like your ladies campaign didn’t just forget several states existed apparently

Time to get the fuck out of the way, limpwristed liberals.

It's hilarious that your delusional lily white useless liberal ass thinks we’re winning this election at this point.

Honestly, how big of a mob would it take to storm the senate floor and Mussolini Mitch before the police could drop all of us?

It’s time for you to either get out of the country to somewhere safe or take to the streets to make these fuckers pay in blood.

Forced scarcity? Check.