
Thank you, Apple. We wouldn't be here were it not for Apple's moves with iOS away from Flash. Apple did it by ditching floppies, USB (not Apple invented, but almost never used seriously on PCs before the iMac), and optical drives (though those were just becoming rare use items.

Because Palin

Not so good. Does she have all the old emails? That would be a start, but of course there could be some deleted

It's just sand but it looks white to some due to the perception of natural light #TheDress

If this ever yielded mass acceptance, software would just be written to recognize around it

It's crazy to me there might be two different test tracks. Can't we all just get along?

Two of the red and black R8s, please…

$24,000 for 8 private flights? That's actually a really good deal if that's for the whole flight. Try renting a 1 way jet trip for $3K.

This is the office, right here under the shelf

Seems to me like this is begging for a race track around the edges

20th Anniversary Macintosh. At the time, oh man… For early 1997, the integrated high quality sound system, flat panel display, YES!

Apple's HomeKit has the potential to fix this, but you have to use good quality components. Siri, shut down for the night should close garage doors, set lights in bed mode, enable alarm, close blinds, etc.

This is actually not crazy. Remember that reality is analog and has >8K resolution. Super-high res displays can enable people to get up close to inspect something with amazing clarity.

Well that's friendly…

How about let's not cut our trees way back for a few particular vehicles

I'm just saying there aren't good ubiquitous solutions here. The fax offers a slight improvement in security (i.e. local IT guys can just get the email without setting that up).

Shirsake, I do know what I'm talking about and used to do all sorts of fun things with the phone system in the early 90s. Certainly a fax is only as secure as the locations you're sending them to. I'm NOT a proponent of fax machines, but I'm mainly saying that we need to have something that fulfills what fax

It's just a 2015 version of a football over the neighbor's fence, let's calm down.

Faxes ARE more secure than open unencrypted emails on the Internet. Do you send SSNs via email? You can via phone because you're creating a dedicated channel through the telecom network where interception is virtually impossible. It can be done, but usually it can only be done at the edge of the sending or

ARRG, why do so many people think they should use all caps!