That's all well and good, but I still can't get goddamned Simpsons World on Fios.
That's all well and good, but I still can't get goddamned Simpsons World on Fios.
Dude. Scoops. Play it however the hell you want. I'm STILL working on my first playthrough of the game with a Royal. I cheaped out EVERY tough enemy and boss. EVERYONE GOT SLATHERED IN CHEESE! And now I'm having trouble cause I quickly have to "gitgud" with the goddamned Gargoyles in Latria. Douchebags. Play it how…
YAY! More nanny state goofery! Shouldnt they maybe do something about all the clones and "best value" microtransaction sketch before worrying about PICTURES of guns?
...This is a work, right? This is fake? This is a parody? This cant be real. This has to be an incredibly clever, living-the-trick style of kayfabe. Noone can be this crazy, right?
A far more realistic depiction of Plutos plight, no longer being a planet.
Is it still okay to call you Scoops!? I need to know this! I would assume the way GB works you were jumped out of the gang and had your tats sliced off. Blood in, blood out type thing?
I feel like this shouldnt be celebrated as much of a win considering EVERYTHING they had to do to get it to outsell the PS4 ONCE. They're undercutting the shit out of themselves just to try and get some kinda momentum going so they wont be too far behind. It would've been sad as hell if they price cut and bundled and…
Burger King can get fucked right in the ear. Garbage. Sub McDonalds slop. I dunnonif the quality is better anywhere else, but any time I've ever partaken in BK I've gotten the shits. It doesn't help I saw one of the jackholes who work there drop a goddamned handful of their meatpucks on the floor. Pick them back up…
ZU Warriors! YES! It's the live action Dragonball movie we deserve. ...Also, Journey To The West 2013 is rad.
Gamer Fuel/Red Bull farts would probably be flammable at the levels contained therein...
Yeah, I hate the Xbox One and was disgusted every time I had to type the console's name into this article. - Stephen Totilo
I've read accounts of torture, murder, seen beheading videoes, animal abuse. AWFUL SHIT! Dont think I've ever cringed as much or crossed my legs as hard reading this. GR8 M8
Let's not get ahead of ourselves after a recent sketchy, out of nowhere badass who came out of the shadows to rock faces at Smash Bros. We were burned by a kid, and now we might get burned by a man in a balaclava.…
Yeah, son! Plus, you fight Gary Oldman and Lo Pan! YEAH!
I really wish I could care about ANYTHING as much as this dude cares about not jumping in Mario 64.
I like the IDEA of this. And it's great for this CoD because it's introducing some new movement abilities and options, stuff you'll have to get used to. Buuuuuuuuuut. If you ever wanna GIT GUD you're going to have to take the training wheels off and just jump in with the psychotic 11 year olds who have made love to…
What the hell is all that negative space between the keyboard and the screen? How plausible would it be for the design to be that way so they could shove a desktop graphics card in in there? Or am I just seeing things?
The Simpsons are literally the ONLY thing that I give a shit about in regards to the FX digital offerings. Unless they make a digital thing where you can watch all current and future Archer episodes before they're even made ACROSS ALL TIME!
I feel like the heavy set dude in the gray shirt just riding the bar. "Well, fuck. This is my life now..."