Eleanor, by the Wrath of God, Queen of the Knitting

@DonnaPirana: You're soo right and that is such a sad development

@cleverpeach: I was about to say exactly the same thing....that's kind of what spending that much money on plastic is supposed to do

@Pickard.AL: To be fair with the amount of surgery she has she now looks pretty much the same; she's just got a slimmer face

@another_uncreative_n...: Don't be ridiculous...she's Posh-she doesn't have hips!

I like her...She looks human

@CassandraSays: I know exactly what you mean...its sad really because instead of showing just how good bigger women can look, he actually seems to prove the point that larger women can't model "true" fashion...

and this is news?

@spiraloflife: all i can say is that if its simply that she gave birth a fortnight or so ago and now looks like that, then i am never going to forgive her...

@mommamellow: agreed...and because her makeup is flippin' terrible

Is it just me or do the first few models look sooo completely miserable and put out at having to walk those crummy clothes...i mean models are never exactly smiley, but this level of moodypoutyness is something else!

"You see children, this is a highlyeffective advertisement, because it plays on the commonly used phrase "sex appeal" to gret comic effect"

Oh please please pretty please God of fashion, make these magically belong to me....

I love her hair

@omgbitsandbats: and i'm from england and pretty much all i see is the same ;)

@Milica: I don't know...if you look at the sight, the picture they've got as a comparison can't be used as a comparison really...plus if you've got big natural boobs, you can push them up to look like that...trust me i know!