@vamvaki_poulaki: maybe ridiculously tightfitting flats?
@vamvaki_poulaki: maybe ridiculously tightfitting flats?
@erinoherin: i know what you mean...i have curly hair, but i still have no idea what to do with mine to get it to do that!!
oohh so pretty...they actually look like things you could wear if you're not a stick as well...yay!
Has Adrianne Curry never heard of jinxing something?
@marionette: I don't think you can get one really...if its a verbal comedian ( as opposed to a slapstick, *ooh look there's a banana skin, i'm just going to slip on it *) then you have to be fairly intelligent just cos you've got to be so quick on your feet..
@MakeMeSmile: Well personally I always figure that if it looks pretty much like her boobs have just been painted over, then a bra is required...I just kind of don't know where to look :S
wow...thats all i can say...wow
Oh Britney, why oh why won't you wear a bra...
@GreyEminence: This one yeah?
@weese17: I'm english and i have to say little kids with the accents are so cute...mind you little kids with any strong accent is really cute, just by the fact that the accent seems bigger than the child!
I love how sheepish #6 's expression is...
@Pantra: and actually looks older as a result of it...she's what, in her twenties? But instead she looks like someone in her forties that's had wayyy to much plastic surgery.
I love the girl on the right in the bra who's just like shoving her foot into the dress
Finally, something to try knitting!
@sarahmick.member of the working class: I'm normally v. pro red lipstick...but
@Superrrdupa: Ah ok...I think probably that's just poor craftsmanship and not being able to cope with the fabric I guess...
@Superrrdupa: I wonder whether whether part of it was that they weren't all designing for super-skinny models...there were a coupla dresses that were almost like they were designed for a "regular" model...but looked terrible on someone that wasn't 6 foot and the size of a stick...
I know she's only in her twenties, but I love the fact this photo looks so unairbrushed...you can see lines (that everyone should have) on her neck, and she just looks beautiful, but, normal beautiful, as opposed to the "I have plastic injected everywhere" sort of beautiful...
@Dinkenesh: I'm in exactly the same situation, except i have manically curly redhair...so even if my head wasn't massive, i'd still look like a poodle!
frankly the fact that there are still so many articles debating race within the media just emphasises the fact that, to the majority of people, race is still an issue. the moment when society and people are almost oblivious to a persons skin colour, the way we are to someone who is blonde, brunette or redheaded, is…