You’re thinking tundra, I’m thinking tire irons and baseball bats. He can reject the harm he’s done to others until the blood starts flowing and cracks in his head appear. Pain is a universally understood measure of “I did mess up”....
You’re thinking tundra, I’m thinking tire irons and baseball bats. He can reject the harm he’s done to others until the blood starts flowing and cracks in his head appear. Pain is a universally understood measure of “I did mess up”....
If he’s a sovereign, just declare war on the fucker and end it.
Yes, but when was the last time you heard of a duck’s door blowing off mid flight?
The key card is concerning.
The husband wasnt much better. Apparently he was a boy toy she hooked up with when her looks were going and she started to realize it. He was a B actor who had done a Tarzan show so apparently he looked good with his shirt off. He then tried doing a country music thing but it didn’t go anywhere.
I can’t remember his whole spiel, because my brain was filled with the enraged screams of my primal warrior ancestors and I was battling to keep a pleasant expression on my face.
It's not even authentic to the story though! Dr. Doom is a fucking Internet blogger named Viktor Domashev or some such shit. I mean, really. There are degrees of stupidity here & hiring a black actor ( a good actor no less) to play a white fire man shouldn't even register.
I want a Social Justice Kittens calendar so bad, I can taste it.
David Byrne is a genius. I have luckily had the chance to see him twice in the past year, once in Ottawa and once in Montreal. I also ran into him in Kyoto, Japan in a mega random way which sort of made my year! He is a hero of mine. Love the guy. Saying that he has pissed me off a little bit regarding technology…
The new Oldsmobiles are in early this year!