Because Frisco has SO much open space.
Because Frisco has SO much open space.
I’ve been saying this for YEARS!. NorCal has this chip on it’s shoulder about Southern California (L.A. in particular) and most of us down here are like what? why? We like you guys, it’s nice up there, we just like it down here.
I’m just wondering where the New and Improved is coming from. Hasn’t this been their plan all along? It’s the New Prison Break of Health Care solutions.
I’m so happy my wife is just as excited as I am about the new seasons of Archer and Rick & Morty. She has horrible taste in music though. So you I guess you can’t win them all.
We all know it is only States Rights if it concerns abortion, guns, and the ACA and welfare drug testing. If it helps people then it’s a violation of Federal law.
I’m with PharmClub. Consider this your star.
Jeez my comment was supposed to say Inland Empire. Some how it got cut off. But you are right on everything you said.
Orange County is only second worst to the Inland
“He pinched me, so I punched his wrist. That’s pretty much it. … He does it often, actually. Which is kind of adolescent.” finishing his statement with “real men exaggerate fouls by flailing their leg out and making sure to catch their opponent with a kick to the nuts.”
+1 Mr. Fuji
What’s the matter? You get triggered snowflake? ICE can eat a bag of big brown dicks.
I’d do it. Fuck those glorified mall cops.
First off... No. This is San Celemente. San Celemente is in Orange County. Orange County is its own little world in So Cal and does not represent the rest of us.
I don’t think I foster that feeling.