Shit the fact that they were considered exciting enough to reduce a teen boy’s sex drive only adds to the fact they are less boring than a Saltine.
Wrong condiment, this was caused by ManOnaise
How in the world is a Graham Cracker more boring than a Saltine?
Doesn’t matter, remember, you can make up your own mind as to what the truth is and what not.
Um... Those are Giants fans.
The the cannibals out in the south pacific used to call it “long pig” because according to them human flesh most resembles the flavor of pork. So eat a pork chop if you want that yummy human flavor.
You kinda have to acknowledge that white people get diarrhea from eating anything that isn’t a white bread and mayonnaise sandwich.
That is called Flair Hair.
Oh I know but sooner or later dumb dumb is going to try to off road because some one is going to make fun of his mall crawler.
Welcome to Donald Trump’s ‘Merica.
Fuck no! U-Bracketz & wood screwz 4 life! (In all honesty, I’m not even sure if whatever is being used qualifies as a U bracket, it appears to be some type of custom wire U shaped hanger. But those are definitely wood screws.)
I can’t wait for those wheel spacers to give out the first time this mall crawling bro-dozer tries to off-road.
According to the L.A. Times story and his testimony during the trial, he is for the most part, bankrupt. From the Times article:
Oh shit! A Highlight Truther got Highlight Truthed?
Dude those chicks are named Riley, Savannah, Crystal... you know, Stripper names!
The sad part is people DO think he has done just that.
I finished it and I am surprised to say that not one person used the words Muzlin or Benghazi.
Obama should call a press conference to declare him self King Obama, then walk out for like 20 minutes to see how all the FOX News knob gobblers react, then come back and be like SIKE!