Here you go
Here you go
Campbell’s Think and Chunky Cleveland Steamer Hot Lunch™
That’s because while we know Drumpf runs at the mouth because he a blow hard bafoon that doesn’t know any better, deep down we all know Cruz is a fucking sociopath.
And it will work because when winter comes the Gorillas will just die off.
You used to be able to pick which feed you wanted.
I’ve had a breakfast burrito that had shredded chicken in it. Does that count?
Cancer of the asshole? Not the colon and not even that it spreads and metastasizes some where critical, just the asshole.
That’s right they did, I’m lucky? to live in a TW service area.
Last time I had it you could watch pretty much all of the out of market games live with the mlb online subscription. But I’m not sure how true that is for Dodgers games taking into account the time warner cable contract.
3030 and Sarah Jane are not to be fucked with.
Must be a thing with Garfield Highschools. Because my first thought was, if this was East L.A.’s Garfield High none of these “patriots” would set foot in that neighborhood.
Is that what that was? I thought my neighbor stepped on her chihuahua again, at least that's what it sounded like in Southern California.
+1 Radiation Treatment
It was a two episode spin off.
If you can find a Taco Truck or Taqueria that uses fresh made corn tortillas you will never want a crunchy ground beef taco ever again.
Crunchy shell + ground beef = Corn Chip Hamburger
Y! Ya sabía, lo chilango se te salé hasta por la pantalla de la computadora!
I have never understood this. Do people think they are going to get mugged for their chicken while they wait at the drive through?
wheat? As in Tortilla de Harina? Also doesn’t Alambre also have onions and green peppers? Also I have never hand Al Pastor on a flour tortilla even in Mexico.