Except that’s not what the article said at all. He said that if you must by used try to find it locally first and that if your only choice is buying online through eBay try to get it from an seller with a high rating.
Except that’s not what the article said at all. He said that if you must by used try to find it locally first and that if your only choice is buying online through eBay try to get it from an seller with a high rating.
My girl friend is addicted to those things right now, well those and the Holiday Cookie Cracker Jack.
They did. I called to clarify and they said that its a form letter that gets sent out when the Insurer notifies them of a canceled policy
I know here in California the DMV actively monitors your insurance, to the point where I received a letter from them after I switched carriers warning me that my old insurance carrier had reported my cancelled policy and that I was required to have at least liability insurance for my car registration to be valid. So…
Wendy’s > McDonald’s
They still do if you ask for it.
Well as far as the R2 Sail barge questions goes. R2 is told he is going to work in the sail barge by the boss Droid after Jabar takes possession of C3P0 and R2
Mmmmm not enough FEMA death camps
You know what...I’m gonna go ahead and say it... Tito’s isn’t that good. If I’m in the area I’d rather hit up Johnnie’s Pastrami. Tito’s is overrated.
So like a new version MechCommander?
They are shifting inwards as the tail retracts. So you are right when the tail extends they dish out allowing for better aerodynamics
You might not want to call the Irish guy a Viking.. http://www.irishtimes.com/ancestor/magaz…... Just saying.
The observation deck is still open from 8am to 5pm Saturdays and Sundays.
strange for some one growing up in the valley to commute back into south central to go to George Washington High
If they are all rectangular or pin wheel shaped mostly uniform in size and color and are also in a plastic bag they are probably duros or duritos. Chicharrones are fried pig skins. So if they don’t look like pork rinds or pork cracklins they aren’t Chicharrónes. They might have the small bags of pre-bought branded…
Nope... But these guys are pretty typical around Hispanic neighborhoods in L.A.
Yep! Still had it up until about 2 years ago when I handed it down to then 9 year old nephew. It went to a good home.
Fuck that! The Mango/Raspado/ Elote man is the shit!