

Even if Biden is a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” wouldn’t you rather have that than an “inconsiderate, spiteful, elderly man, with a syphilitic brain?”

Riker was a horndog. Half the 32nd century characters are probably his descendants.

There’s probably an entire planet of Rikers out there. Just Riker manoeuvring around 

I feel like Legacy missed the mark with its theme. The original TRON had a lot of fairly heavy-handed religious commentary, and Legacy would have been perfect for that: God Flynn has two sons - is one more “real” than the other? Is CLU justified in his jealousy? (probably!)

Issue is, he can be down a lot nationally, and still win. While Biden won the popular vote by a huge margin in 2020, he BARELY won where it counted in the swing states. The election was actually closer then it was in 2016.

I mean of course the headline photo is fake. Not even because of the fact that Trump hates black people and (most) black Americans seem to despise him as well (well also that, but that’s not the point I am getting at).

Hey Royal Bigness, go fuck yourself mate.

I love the actors that have their own internal lore about The Doctor. Tenant sees him as retired. Capaldi sees his version traversing the stars and too busy to bother getting together with other versions of himself. 

I see what they’re getting at. It’s basically Star Trek: you just say “computer, do this” and it does it for you. Which is great. For certain things. Things that don’t have access to my finances, personal information, or anything else I really truly care about.

I remember when Microsoft said that you won’t need to organise your files into folders, you’ll just use their newly improved search to find whatever you’re looking for.

“I just want to have peace in the world,” OpenAI’s GPT-4 said as a reason for launching nuclear warfare in a simulation.

Makes sense to me. “I’m tired of all this bickering and trying to make things work with these horrible world leaders, let’s burn it all to the ground and start over!”

It’s a hard reset.

This is what happens when your “AI” isn’t really intelligent but just collates existing ideas.

There are many, many layers of dumb here, but ironically, the only entity with a legal argument for free speech to be made here is Disney for firing Carano.

For the 1 millionth time, free speech protects people from the government imposing penalties on you for saying stupid/offensive/controversial/etc shit.

Isn’t Musk kind of noted for firing people who say things he doesn’t like?

However, Neumann could be the one person who can inject some excitement into the flailing dumpster fire we call commercial real estate.

Only one person here was thinking about pornographic content while reading this comment....