
I wouldn’t take credit away from the Hulk if I were you.

One of the biggest “What Ifs?” in tech history is what would have happened if Apple went with BeOS instead of NeXT for their new OS in the 90's. Steve Jobs wouldn’t have come back to Apple and most of its innovative products probably never come out.


Now playing

The bar is so low on the previous live action adaptation of Shazam that this new Shazam movie looks like a masterpiece.

It very much does, especially since Mass Effect is generally pretty grounded in science (except, you know biotics). I kinda feel like this a version of the story that would take place when humanity found the first Mass Effect relay.

My father was born and raised in Missouri and he has lost his accent, the moment he is with any member of his family it returns with a vengeance...

His FAQs are easily the best part of the Transformers franchise.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. It’ll be at least a decade after Trump leaves office before we even get back to where we were with Obama (which was not great but its at least a reference point). And thats if we don’t backslide again during that period. It’ll be even longer before we make any real actual

All we can do is to take an oath to never forget these vile peoples’ names and what they did. Once this administration is over they may get jobs at Fox or Breitbart, fine – but we can never ever legitimize them as decent members of society ever again. We must shun, mock, and humiliate them until their death. Actual

The leftist brain-washing goin’ on on college campuses and tv channels is not far behind and/or different i’m affraid.

The whole of season 5 of Fringe. Man, what a waste of a show. I loved, loved, loved seasons 1-4, but never bothered to finish season 5. It felt so out of place and lacked everything that made the show interesting in the first place.

Is that gif from the episode where Quark is explaining the Federation to Garak using root beer as an example? I loved that scene.

I really hope Behr’s documentary cultivates enough interest for CBS to authorize HD remasters of DS9 and Voyager.

Best Star Trek *period*

what the Heck!?

Gary Oldman was pretty decent...