
Considering Sarah Palin normalized rank stupidity, I’d say there’s (at least) one other prominent dipshit he’s got to apologize for.

The only time John McCain was a good idea was when the alternative was George W. Bush.

She did come pre-packaged from a far away place and got his name stamped on her, so sure.

Fake news war cry solves all.

Watching reruns of The Mary Tyler Moore Show as a child was the first time I saw a woman living the single life and pursuing a career. Her show put a friendly, sympathetic face on the struggle of the modern woman, paving the way for my understanding of feminism.

A little song

Valerie Harper is still okay.


G’bye, Mare. I hope Chuckles is there.

aw heck.

My late grandparents survived the Holocaust, so the fact that stories like this are still happening today is surreal if not entirely surprising. But I must admit I find the handwringing over whether or not it’s OK to punch Nazis to be kinda sickening. Dude believes that all non-whites should be removed from America in

Very rich is classified as over fifty million? I’m in California in which place real estate is hardly cheap and I’d classify three million as very rich.

It is, easily, the richest cabinet ever.

Attacks on Clinton were enough to get people to vote for Trump. That, and this mealy-mouthed false equivalence bullshit that you’re engaging in right now.

She’s an intelligent person who has spent the majority of her adult life in public service. In terms of virtue and decency, she wouldn’t have much competition from the vast majority of former presidents, low a bar as that might be.

“Lastly, I don’t think any person would have chosen Hillary as a paragon of virtue and human decency.”

We had a choice between a flawed non-lunatic and an extremely, fatally flawed lunatic with a penchant for sexual assault. We chose poorly.

I loved the extended cut endings coupled with the Citadel DLC. All that put together made it the best ending to a trilogy ever IMO. You just can’t satisfy hypercritical self-centered gamers nowadays.

The original version was terrible tho.

Am I the only person who actually liked ME3? And I..cried at the ending..Had flashbacks of all the moments and characters that led me to that decision. Look, I get the hatred and all but it was very personal to me, I replayed the previosu 2 games in close proximity so it was all fresh to me, so I really felt it when