
Or get angry, turn green, and try on some hot purple pants.

I’m certain I’m not the first to mention this, but I’d like to see a discussion on the reverse as well. It seems we’ve been so overwraught with PG-13 movies; my guess is that there are at least a few in there that would have been better with an R rating, instead.

This reminds me of that famous case when the Zodiac Killer was caught, using only a piece of cheese, some chalk, and a beard.

Is he missing his eyebrows, too, or is it just the resolution of the photo?

Just wait until we find out that Diggle's middle name is Stewart. Then it gets interesting.

One interesting proposition here is that, although this article is pretty much framed as if you are the original "you" — the trunk from which all branches grow — there's a much greater chance that you are simply the creation of a probability in another universe. You're the effect, not the cause.

Oh my gawd, in a friggin' heartbeat! If it was as good as my Snake Plissken from Sideshow, I'd be throwing money at my laptop screen.

Yep. My grad degree has opened up opportunities beyond that which just working as a designer would have allowed. Although it took me a bit longer to pay it off than I wanted, my career development — and my current gig — wouldn't be the same without my masters degree.

So... are they making one of these things that has a Thunderbolt (Mini DisplayPort) option? They've been pushing Thunderbolt as the do-all-be-all connector for a while, but I don't see that being offered.

As long as we're talking Sara Lance as the Canary, and not this ridiculous premise of Laurel somehow taking the role. Gawd I can't stand that character.

Good to know. Thanks!

Good to know. Thanks!

Right? This reminds me: still need to swing by the Silean Nebula to grab the Rings of Alune.

Agreed. Looks like Ergatron rates its arms by both monitor size and weight supported.

Agreed. Looks like Ergatron rates its arms by both monitor size and weight supported.

So, looking at the specs, each arm will hold up to around a 24" monitor, correct? So my Dell 27" is out of luck, maybe a separate arm for that one?

So, looking at the specs, each arm will hold up to around a 24" monitor, correct? So my Dell 27" is out of luck,

We've been cell phone only since we moved into our new home more than a year ago, but at this point, we're actually considering going back to adding a landline. Our cell service is just one bar above craptastic, and AT&T's Microcell just isn't reliable enough (even after shelling out the $200 for it early last year)

They really shouldn't have fucked with the Lords of Hell.

This this this. I was thinking, where's the opposite thread so I can come post on 17th Precinct? I still have the pilot floating around in my Dropbox.

Sadly, most things do.

1991: in college, while working at the University of Oregon Computing Center during my undergrad. As a graphic designer, I was totally stunned by what we could do with PS on the awesome little Mac IIsi on my desk.

My vote: Terraria. An awesome time-filler. Just jump around, dig, explore some creepy cavern, dig some more, build a new house, maybe stab a crazy attacking slime... oh, and dig some more.