
A Jeffrey Combs figure would blow my freakin' mind!! :-)

I'm so happy with this set, including the bonus High Priest and the glow-in-dark Cthulhu!! And some of the extras that came with the KS campaign are fantastic — I love the coloring book!

Just having run a potential candidate through an interview loop this week, I have to say this list is right on the money. Every single one of these questions runs through my head as we make our decisions about who to bring onboard.

This is a great suggestion. What I do is whenever I get a raise, even the standard 2+% cost of living raise, I increase my 401K contribution by 1%. So I throw a little bit of that raise back into savings. Depending on your situation, losing 1% of your paycheck can be felt, so absorbing it when you get a raise makes it

Thanks for posting this — brings back such great memories from music school! We had a Moog, a Minimoog, and an Arp 2600, alongside such new-fangled wonders as a Yamaha DX-7 and MasterTracks Pro running on an Apple //.

All I can say here, is that I hope that John Diggle's middle name is Stewart. :)

Whenever the National Anthem came on, I had to jump off the couch and frantically shut off the TV before it ended. That sudden switch from the end of the anthem (with the video of the flowing American flag and amber waves of grain) to just static, really REALLY freaked me out.

I'd add Tiamat to this list. He's a she, but being the queen of all evil dragons, that sounds pretty asshole-ish.

I still have the old mail-in Science Fiction Book Club editions of all these. Fantastic series!

My wife and still run around the house singing, "Robert Smith, Robert Smith!"

Sadly, in Mavericks and Yosemite, this option doesn't do what you'd think: new folders still open in the existing Finder window. The only way to get the old standard behavior (i.e., each folder opens in its own separate Finder window) is to hold down Command when double-clicking the folder.

Agreed — one of the most amazingly nonsensical changes to the Finder in a very long time. Why they'd remove a simple option that'd been around *forever*, and not leave the ability to turn it on/off, is beyond me.

UX Director here — thanks for this. I know we've all gotten the "oh, you're the UI guy/gal" in the past, when that's really just one facet of our jobs.

This is pretty awesome, but I'm with you, James — it's FemShep, or nothing.

David Warner is fantastic — lots of great Star Trek roles across multiple series and the movies, but I still think my favorite role of his is from Time Bandits:

I would totally use AirDrop... if I could ever get it to work. iPhone to iPhone, Mac to Mac, on the same friggin' Wi-Fi network... nothing.

Gotta buy 'em! Gotta buy 'em!

Wow, there needs to be an iOS option like this, since the amount of time it turns down your music's volume is way out of proportion with the length of the "you've got a message" sound. So annoying.

The first one is really entertaining, with William Katt (of The Greatest American Hero fame).