
Looked through the nomination thread from earlier this past week, and I'm surprised that GeekDesk didn't show up. A little more expensive than some, but the motor-powered height adjustment, range of sizes and finishes, and quality construction is what's put one of these puppies on my list for my office renovation,

Another reason for some folks to choose a more expensive vodka over a cheap one is due to what it's made from. My wife has real problems with wheat, which means she can't drink most vodkas. Belvedere is one of the best that isn't made from wheat (it's made with rye), so the extra money is worth it.

I always aim for around 20%, but what I also do for my own sake, is always adjust the tip so my final restaurant bill is a whole dollar amount. So a dinner bill for 44.18, I'd most likely tip $8.82, which ends up a nice $53.00 even. Makes keeping track of my checking account much easier.

Or Firefox, or Safari. Or if you've been syncing across multiple browsers and platforms for quite a long time. There's still lots of mileage to be gotten from Xmarks.

So I'm guessing Disconnect is much like DoNotTrackMe, which has popped up in LH's recommended lists in the past. Any reason to switch from the latter to the former?

If Admiral Hackett says it's good, I'm in!

I think this is right on the money. When you're interviewing for a job, you should be interviewing them as much as the reverse. Will they (the company, and the folks you'll be working with/for) be a good fit for *you*?

This must have been his first business card out of college, before he got promoted to Super Genius.

Agreed, there's a bit of inherent snark in responding with just, "So?", IMO. Don't get me wrong — there are lots of people and situations that deserve that response, but I wouldn't expect a fruitful conversation to bloom from that seed.

Another cool piece of history attached to Myst: the original version for the Mac was built in, of all things, Hypercard. I kinda miss that old jack-of-all-trades.

Does anyone know of an app like this for Windows? I have an old HP TC1100 that I'd love to turn into a touchscreen info center for my office.

I'm coming up on my one-year anniversary with Witopia, and I've been really pleased so far. Works great across Mac & PC, lots of server locations, and a very speedy pipe.

I get a real Daenerys Targaryen vibe here. Except, of course, there'd be less crying and more dragons.

I know, right? It's hard to find any FemShep wallpapers (let alone, concept art) that don't have the Mass Effect logos plastered all over them. How about this?

Since we've already started down the Mass Effect road:

A USB 3.0 docking station for internal hard disks.

Great timing on this article. I'm getting ready to transition to a nearly-100% remote work situation, and there are some great steps here for helping me find the right rhythm for being productive without locking myself in my home office.

Really? Hmmm, I sense a weekend project coming up! :)

If this had been published a week ago or so, I could have gone crazy; we're moving in a month, so in packing up all my "junk", I stumbled upon:

Ooh, good to know. A Synology NAS was on my "to buy" list, and this is another reason to do so.