
If so, I'm in the same boat with you.


I used to watch Ramblin' Rod every morning before school, and I loved the haunted house at Enchanted Forest!

I get a real Daenerys Targaryen vibe here. Except, of course, there'd be less crying and more dragons.

I know, right? It's hard to find any FemShep wallpapers (let alone, concept art) that don't have the Mass Effect logos plastered all over them. How about this?

Now playing

Anyone who grew up in Oregon in the '70s knows that Kite Man is alive and well... in Portland!

LOVE this movie. I always wonder how it would have fared if Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson had starred in it, as was originally planned. More jabronis and eyebrow raises, I suppose?

Oh, c'mon now, it's not just the glasses... it's the hair part! Swapping it from one side to the other changes everything!

Since we've already started down the Mass Effect road:

Anyone out there playing The Secret World? This is just a little too close to Atlantic Island Park for my tastes. *shudder*

While I realize that watch functions and uses have changed, I don't think I'd include them in this list. I hear that a lot of folks under 25 just don't wear watches at all, but I'd never give up my Nixons, and I feel safe in saying I'm not alone.

Combat Creatures look awesome, but (as stated in lots of other places), this really needs a camera to be stellar. If I have to stay within LoS to operate it, it's just not as much fun.

Indeed. Reminds me of this:

Marsha Blackburn... she was the one who, during the government shutdown, had zero sympathy for the government workers who were going without a paycheck, but made it clear that *she* needed hers.

You're right, titles don't matter. And you can certainly use any personal definition of "doctor" that you'd like.

Yes, she is. She's a N.D. I don't want to immediately assume your comment is questioning the legitimacy of her qualifications.

I haven't scrubbed over the press releases, but does anyone know if they're including old stuff like Tuesday Night Titans and Prime Time Wrestling? The old PTW roundtable segments with Curt Hennig twirling his pencil and Bobby Heenan insulting Gorilla Monsoon are priceless.

Just relive the memory by running around at 90-degree angles and randomly shouting, "Cursor!!"

Hehe, this made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that. :-)

Agreed. Ron Moore was already hip-deep in DS9 by this point, so a lot of the horsepower we saw in Seasons 4 & 5 was missing by the end.