
Good advice, and buying a home warranty (or having your seller buy you one at close) will definitely add some additional peace of mind to the process.

"It's not all that clear that time-saving is all that big of a deal. It's not that hard to get from San Francisco to Los Angeles."

Love this great show! You can find it on Hulu Plus, btw.

Great work! Her Lady Gaga looks like a young Tea Leoni doing Lady Gaga. :-)

Season 1 is awfully bumpy: Kira yells too much, Odo's makeup is wackily inconsistent, and Dax has zero personality. I'd watch the first one, just to see the tension between Sisko and Picard, grab Episode 6 ("Captive Pursuit", just 'cuz I always enjoy O'Brien and Tosk is entertaining), and then jump to Episode 11 ("The

Thanks for bringing this up. From the very beginning (when we find out his mother was possessed by a Prophet when he was conceived), this was to be Sisko's fate, and no matter where he turned, his conclusion was locked.

Yep, when they stopped focusing on the "Hooker of the Week" episodes and got into the creepiness of the technology (and the ethics involved), Dollhouse really revved up.

Agreed. Every show has its dips (ahem, Peter's back, it's a different universe, but no, it's the same universe, and Olivia doesn't know him, but yes, Olivia loves him, wha?), but I'd be hard-pressed to find a single point in Fringe's lifecycle that earns it a place in this list.

Timely: we've just started re-watching all these on Netflix. Watched together, the first season really isn't too bad at all (just started Season 2). But knowing that the Temporal Cold War gets left on the side of the road is really disappointing, and it's hard to find a show with such an insulting finale.

Actually, when I tell myself that they were dead all along, I can live quite happily with the ending as it was. So whether that's canon, or not, or somewhere in between, it improves my enjoyment of the show.

This is a great way to honor Gary Gygax, and I love how closely they've followed the old Dragon Magazine. (That awesome masthead!) Gawd, I devoured every issue I could get my hands on, back in high school.

I still feel guilty for throwing it (him? her?) into the incinerator.

Robert comments on the stick moving randomly — I take that as meaning no direct human control. Perhaps, though, he was referring to the subject's POV.

Glad to see Moore's getting another series going, but I still wish someone would have given his 17th Precinct pilot another look. I really liked some of the initial ideas going on there.

Same for Chris, here. Fantastic actor across genres, heavyweight of horror and fantasy, and certainly not underrated.

Why in the world would Peter Cushing ever appear in this list? Other than maybe you think younger audiences aren't aware of him, Cushing was a well-known, celebrated actor in his time.

John Colicos gets an extra nod here, given his stints on both TOS and DS9, not to mention playing Baltar in the original Battlestar Galactica!

Hehe, which episode? My crappy mind-reading skills tell me you're thinking "The Visitor" (that one always tears me up), but "Sons of Mogh", where Worf loses his brother and his last tie to the Klingon Empire, has quite a sad ending, too.

I never, never use my Debit card as Debit (i.e., typing in my PIN), with one single exception: Costco, and that's only because they don't accept credit cards other than AmEx.

Ah, I see! From the top, it looked like a transparent piece of plastic, but it's actually just a hollow void in the blister pack itself!